Juan RP 7aebea684b Implemented support for working with remote repositories.
libfetch from NetBSD's pkgsrc has been imported into lib/fetch, but
the objects are embedded into libxbps. Only a public function to fetch
files has been implemented: xbps_fetch_file().

The library now is built with -fvisibility=hidden by default, and
exported symbols are the ones that use the SYMEXPORT macro.

The code works well enough, but will need many more cleanups.

extra : convert_revision : xtraeme%40gmail.com-20091027004600-0lq9aao67lisbzxv
2009-10-27 01:46:00 +01:00

47 lines
1.2 KiB

# $FreeBSD: http.errors,v 1.5 2001/05/23 18:52:02 des Exp $
# $NetBSD: http.errors,v 1.3 2009/02/05 16:59:45 joerg Exp $
# This list is taken from RFC 2068.
100 OK Continue
101 OK Switching Protocols
200 OK OK
201 OK Created
202 OK Accepted
203 INFO Non-Authoritative Information
204 OK No Content
205 OK Reset Content
206 OK Partial Content
300 MOVED Multiple Choices
301 MOVED Moved Permanently
302 MOVED Moved Temporarily
303 MOVED See Other
304 UNCHANGED Not Modified
305 INFO Use Proxy
307 MOVED Temporary Redirect
400 PROTO Bad Request
401 AUTH Unauthorized
402 AUTH Payment Required
403 AUTH Forbidden
404 UNAVAIL Not Found
405 PROTO Method Not Allowed
406 PROTO Not Acceptable
407 AUTH Proxy Authentication Required
408 TIMEOUT Request Time-out
409 EXISTS Conflict
410 UNAVAIL Gone
411 PROTO Length Required
412 SERVER Precondition Failed
413 PROTO Request Entity Too Large
414 PROTO Request-URI Too Large
415 PROTO Unsupported Media Type
416 UNAVAIL Requested Range Not Satisfiable
417 SERVER Expectation Failed
500 SERVER Internal Server Error
501 PROTO Not Implemented
502 SERVER Bad Gateway
503 TEMP Service Unavailable
504 TIMEOUT Gateway Time-out
505 PROTO HTTP Version not supported
999 PROTO Protocol error