-- can't resolve seggfault on luasec, luasocket' -- local https = "wget" local json = require("cjson") -- for testing function printTable(t) for key, value in pairs(t) do print(key, value) end end function tokenizeString(inputString, delimiter) local tokens = {} for token in inputString:gmatch("[^" .. delimiter .. "]+") do table.insert(tokens, token) end return tokens end function get(link) local args = { "-qO-", link } local data = pandoc.pipe("wget", args, "") local parsed = json.decode(data) -- print(link) return parsed end function get_epoch_time(timestamp) local pattern = "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)T(%d+):(%d+):(%d+).000Z" local year, month, day, hour, min, sec = timestamp:match(pattern) local epoch = os.time({ year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, min = min, sec = sec }) return epoch end function get_short_date(timestamp) return os.date( "%a, %B %d, %Y", get_epoch_time(timestamp) ) end function write_comments(pleroma_posts, instance, show_avatars) show_avatars = show_avatars or false function get_user(acct_data, instance, include_img) -- user data local user_info = "" local result = "" local vars = { alias = acct_data["display_name"], uid = acct_data["id"], handle = acct_data["acct"], } if include_img then user_info = [[
$alias$ @$handle$
]] vars.avatar = acct_data["avatar_static"] result = user_info:gsub("%$(%w+)%$", vars) else user_info = "

$alias$ @$handle$

" result = user_info:gsub("%$(%w+)%$", vars) end return result end function get_card(card, instance) if card == nil or type(card) ~= "table" then return "" end if card["provider_url"] == instance then -- skip rendering a card return "" end -- print(type(card)) local card_template = [[



]] local vars = { title = card["title"], description = card["description"], image = card["image"], image_description=card["image_description"], link = card["url"] } return card_template:gsub("%$(%w+)%$", vars) end function get_media(attachments) if type(attachments) ~= "table" then return "" end if #attachments < 1 then return "" end local media_list = {"

media attached:

    "} local item = "
  1. $mime$
  2. " for _, v in pairs(attachments) do local vars = { link = v["preview_url"], mime = v["pleroma"]["mime_type"] } local foo = item:gsub("%$(%w+)%$", vars) print(foo) table.insert(media_list, foo) end table.insert(media_list, "
") return table.concat(media_list, "\n") end function get_poll(poll) if type(poll) ~= "table" then return "" end local bar_chart = {"
"} local bar_template = "
" local total_votes = math.floor(poll["votes_count"]) for _, v in pairs(poll["options"]) do local width = math.floor( 0.5 + (v["votes_count"]/total_votes) * 100) vars = { label = width .. "% " .. v["title"], pct = width } local bar = bar_template:gsub("%$(%w+)%$", vars) print(bar) table.insert(bar_chart, bar) end table.insert(bar_chart, "
") local summary = "

$x$ people have cast $y$ votes

" local foo = summary:gsub( "%$(%w+)%$", {x=math.floor(poll["voters_count"]), y=total_votes} ) table.insert(bar_chart, foo) return table.concat(bar_chart,"\n") end if #pleroma_posts == 0 then return "" end local template = [[

#$i$ $datetime$

$card$ $attributes$
]] local comments = {} local replies = pleroma_posts-- ["descendants"] for i, post in ipairs(replies) do local pid = post["id"] local datetime = get_short_date(post["created_at"]) local text = post["content"] local attrs = {} table.insert( attrs, get_media(post["media_attachments"]) ) table.insert(attrs, get_poll(post["poll"])) local interpolated = template:gsub("%$(%w+)%$", { i= #replies - i + 1, host=instance, pid=pid, datetime=datetime, user=get_user(post["account"], instance, true), text = text, card = get_card(post["card"], instance), attributes = table.concat(attrs) }) -- print(interpolated) table.insert( comments, pandoc.RawBlock("html", interpolated) ) end -- print(comments) return comments end function combine_tables(a,b) -- iterate through b, add to a for i=1,#b do table.insert(a, b[i]) end return a end function get_url_from_pandoc_str(pandoc_str) local str = pandoc.utils.stringify(pandoc_str) -- 1 = protocol, 2 = host ... -- https://host.tld/notice/12345 local tokens = tokenizeString(str, '/') local id = tokens[#tokens] local host = tokens[2] local id = tokens[#tokens] local link = str return link, host, id end function get_status(host, post_id) local url = "https://" .. host .. "/api/v1/statuses/" .. post_id print(url) return get(url) end function get_replies(host, id) local url = "https://" .. host .. "/api/v1/statuses/" .. id .. "/context" print(url) local got = get(url) return got["descendants"] end function Meta(meta) local pleroma_urls = meta["pleroma-urls"] -- print(elem) if pleroma_urls == nil then return -- abort end local all_replies = {} local hrefs = {} local host = "" -- for each listed url in "pleroma-urls" for _, v in pairs(pleroma_urls) do local link, domain, id = get_url_from_pandoc_str(v) host = domain table.insert(hrefs, {link = link, id = id} ) local op = get_status(host, id) table.insert(all_replies, op) local replies = get_replies(host, id) combine_tables(all_replies, replies) end table.sort(all_replies, function(a, b) local ta = get_epoch_time(a["created_at"]) local tb = get_epoch_time(b["created_at"]) return ta > tb end ) local c = write_comments(all_replies, "https://" .. host) meta["pleroma-comments"] = c meta["pleroma-comments-count"] = #c meta["pleroma-has-comments"] = (#c > 0) meta["pleroma"] = hrefs return meta end