Fixed multiple date/ time issues. Thank you, Nick Hall.

svn: r17386
This commit is contained in:
Rob G. Healey 2011-05-03 06:47:17 +00:00
parent eb533c8ecc
commit 0754b5d653

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@ -28,7 +27,8 @@
# *****************************************************************************
import os, sys
from datetime import datetime, date
import time, calendar
import calendar, time
# abilty to escape certain characters from output...
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape as _html_escape
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ _TOOLTIPS = {
# set up Exif keys for Image.exif_keys
"Exif.Image.ImageDescription" : "Description",
"Exif.Image.DateTime" : "ModDateTime",
"Exif.Image.DateTime" : "Modified",
"Exif.Image.Artist" : "Artist",
"Exif.Image.Copyright" : "Copyright",
"Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal" : "DateTime",
@ -234,29 +234,6 @@ def _return_month(month):
return month
def _split_values(text):
splits a variable into its pieces
# a hypen
if "-" in text:
separator = "-"
# a period
elif "." in text:
separator = "."
# a colon
elif ":" in text:
separator = ":"
# a space
separator = " "
return [value for value in text.split(separator)]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Gramplet class
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -276,6 +253,16 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
self.MediaDataTags = False
self.connect_signal("Media", self.update)
vbox = self.build_gui()
# provide tooltips for all fields and buttons...
def build_gui(self):
vbox = gtk.VBox()
@ -330,6 +317,9 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
# Image Description
("Description", _("Description"), None, False, [], True, 0),
# Last Modified Date/ Time
("Modified", _("Last Changed"), None, True, [], True, 0),
# Artist field
("Artist", _("Artist"), None, False, [], True, 0),
@ -372,18 +362,13 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
# Delete All Metadata button...
hsd_box.add( self.__create_button(
"Delete", False, self.__delete_dialog, gtk.STOCK_DELETE, False) )
"Delete", False, self.__delete_dialog, gtk.STOCK_DELETE, False))
# adds Exif Metadata Viewing Area
vbox.pack_start(view, padding =10)
# provide tooltips for all fields and buttons...
return vbox
def update_has_data(self):
active_handle = self.get_active('Media')
@ -423,6 +408,21 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
return False
def activate_buttons(self, ButtonList):
Enable/ activate the buttons that are in ButtonList
for ButtonName in ButtonList:
def deactivate_buttons(self, ButtonList):
disable/ de-activate buttons in ButtonList
for ButtonName in ButtonList:
def main(self): # return false finishes
get the active media, mime type, and reads the image metadata
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
def _mark_dirty(self, obj):
def _get_exif_KeyTag(self, KeyTag):
def _get_value(self, KeyTag):
gets the value from the Exif Key, and returns it...
@ -708,61 +708,41 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
# set has data flag...
self.set_has_data( len(self.MediaDataTags) > 0)
self.set_has_data(len(self.MediaDataTags) > 0)
# Activate Clear and Save buttons...
self.activate_buttons(["Clear", "Save"])
# check to see if we got metadata from the media object?
if self.MediaDataTags:
# clears all Message Area labels...
# activate CopyTo button...
# set Message Area to Display...
self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"].set_text(_("Displaying image Exif metadata..."))
for KeyTag in self.MediaDataTags:
tagValue = self._get_exif_KeyTag(KeyTag)
if tagValue:
if LesserVersion:
label = self.plugin_image.tagDetails(KeyTag)[0]
human_value = self.plugin_image.interpretedExifValue(KeyTag)
tag = self.plugin_image[KeyTag]
label = tag.label
human_value = tag.human_value
except AttributeError:
human_value = False
if human_value is not False:
if KeyTag in ("Exif.Image.DateTime", "Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal",
human_value = _process_date( self._get_exif_KeyTag(KeyTag) )
if LesserVersion:
label = self.plugin_image.tagDetails(KeyTag)[0]
human_value = self.plugin_image.interpretedExifValue(KeyTag)
self.model.append( (self.plugin_image, label, human_value) )
# display "No Exif metadata" message...
self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"].set_text(_("No Exif metadata for this image..."))
tag = self.plugin_image[KeyTag]
label = tag.label
human_value = tag.human_value
except AttributeError:
human_value = False
# set has_data flag...
if KeyTag in ("Exif.Image.DateTime",
human_value = _process_datetime(self._get_value(KeyTag))
# Activate Clear and Save buttons..
self.activate_buttons(["Clear", "Save"])
def activate_buttons(self, ButtonList):
Enable/ activate the buttons that are in ButtonList
for ButtonName in ButtonList:
def deactivate_buttons(self, ButtonList):
disable/ de-activate buttons in ButtonList
for ButtonName in ButtonList:
if human_value is not False:
self.model.append((self.plugin_image, label, human_value))
def CopyTo(self, obj):
@ -783,7 +763,7 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
# name for matching to exif_widgets
widgetsName = _DATAMAP[KeyTag]
tagValue = self._get_exif_KeyTag(KeyTag)
tagValue = self._get_value(KeyTag)
if tagValue:
if widgetsName in ["Description", "Artist", "Copyright"]:
@ -791,16 +771,16 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
# Original Date of the image...
elif widgetsName == "DateTime":
use_date = self._get_exif_KeyTag(KeyTag)
use_date = _process_date(use_date) if use_date else False
use_date = self._get_value(KeyTag)
use_date = _process_datetime(use_date) if use_date else False
if use_date is not False:
# LatitudeRef, Latitude, LongitudeRef, Longitude...
elif widgetsName == "Latitude":
latitude = self._get_exif_KeyTag(KeyTag)
longitude = self._get_exif_KeyTag(_DATAMAP["Longitude"] )
latitude = self._get_value(KeyTag)
longitude = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["Longitude"] )
# if latitude and longitude exist, display them?
if (latitude and longitude):
@ -817,10 +797,10 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
if (not latfail and not longfail):
# Latitude Direction Reference
LatitudeRef = self._get_exif_KeyTag(_DATAMAP["LatitudeRef"] )
LatitudeRef = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["LatitudeRef"] )
# Longitude Direction Reference
LongitudeRef = self._get_exif_KeyTag(_DATAMAP["LongitudeRef"] )
LongitudeRef = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["LongitudeRef"] )
# set display for Latitude GPS Coordinates
@ -1062,8 +1042,10 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
self._set_exif_KeyTag(_DATAMAP["Description"], self.exif_widgets["Description"].get_text() )
# Modify Date/ Time... not a data field, but saved anyway...
ModDateTime = _format_datetime( )
self._set_exif_KeyTag(_DATAMAP["ModDateTime"], _write_date(ModDateTime) )
self._set_exif_KeyTag(_DATAMAP["Modified"], )
# display modified Date/ Time
self.exif_widgets["Modified"].set_text(_format_datetime( ) )
# Artist/ Author data field
self._set_exif_KeyTag(_DATAMAP["Artist"], self.exif_widgets["Artist"].get_text() )
@ -1074,12 +1056,9 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
# Original Date/ Time data field
DateTime = self.exif_widgets["DateTime"].get_text()
if DateTime:
if type(DateTime) is not datetime:
DateTime = _process_date(DateTime)
if type(DateTime) == datetime:
self.exif_widgets["DateTime"].set_text(_format_datetime(DateTime) )
self._set_exif_KeyTag(_DATAMAP["DateTime"], _write_date(DateTime) )
DateTime = _process_datetime(DateTime, False)
if DateTime is not False:
self._set_exif_KeyTag(_DATAMAP["DateTime"], DateTime)
# Latitude/ Longitude data fields
latitude = self.exif_widgets["Latitude"].get_text()
@ -1297,18 +1276,19 @@ def rational_to_dms(coords):
return deg, min, sec
def _format_datetime(exif_dt):
def _format_datetime(exif_date):
Convert a python datetime object into a string for display, using the
standard Gramps date format.
if type(exif_dt) is not datetime:
return ''
if not isinstance(exif_date, datetime):
return ""
date_part = gen.lib.Date()
date_part.set_yr_mon_day(exif_dt.year, exif_dt.month,
date_part.set_yr_mon_day(exif_date.year, exif_date.month,
date_str = _dd.display(date_part)
time_str = exif_dt.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
time_str = exif_date.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
return _('%(date)s %(time)s') % {'date': date_str, 'time': time_str}
@ -1318,6 +1298,7 @@ def _get_date_format(datestr):
# attempt to determine the dateformat of the variable passed to it...
tmpDate = False
for dateformat in ["%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S",
"%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S",
"%Y-%B-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y %B %d %H:%M:%S",
@ -1335,80 +1316,97 @@ def _get_date_format(datestr):
# datestring format not found...
except ValueError:
tmpDate = False
return tmpDate
def _write_date(wdatetime):
def _create_datetime(pyear, pmonth, day, hour, minutes, seconds):
handle thes Original Date/ Time field for saving
will create and retrun a str or datetime from (
year, month, day, hour, minutes, and seconds) ...
if the year is less than 1900, then it will return a string representation...
datestr = _get_date_format(wdatetime)
if datestr is not False:
wyear, wmonth, day, hour, minutes, seconds = datestr[0:6]
# do some error trapping...
if pmonth > 12:
pmonth = 12
elif pmonth <= 0:
pmonth = 1
# do some error trapping...
if wmonth > 12: wmonth = 12
if day == 0: day = 1
if hour >= 24: hour = 0
if minutes > 59: minutes = 59
if seconds > 59: seconds = 59
if hour >= 24:
hour = 23
elif hour < 0:
hour = 0
# get the number of days in year for all months
numdays = [0] + [calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1] for year
in [wyear] for month in range(1, 13) ]
if minutes > 59:
minutes = 59
elif minutes < 0:
minutes = 0
if seconds > 59:
seconds = 59
elif seconds < 0:
seconds = 0
# Make sure that day number is not greater than number of days in that month...
if day > numdays[wmonth]: day = numdays[wmonth]
# get the number of days in year for all months
numdays = [0] + [calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1] for year in [pyear] for month in range(1, 13) ]
if day > numdays[pmonth]:
day = numdays[pmonth]
elif day <= 0:
day = 1
if wyear < 1900:
tmpDate = "%04d-%s-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % (wyear, _dd.long_months[wmonth], day,
hour, minutes, seconds)
except ValueError:
tmpDate = ""
tmpDate = datetime(wyear, wmonth, day, hour, minutes, seconds)
except ValueError:
tmpDate = ""
if pyear < 1900:
tmpDate = "%04d-%s-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % (pyear, _dd.long_months[pmonth], day,
hour, minutes, seconds)
except ValueError:
tmpDate = False
return tmpDate
return ""
def _process_date(tmpDate):
tmpDate = datetime(pyear, pmonth, day, hour, minutes, seconds)
except ValueError:
tmpDate = False
if tmpDate is False:
tmpDate = ""
return tmpDate
def _process_datetime(tmpDate, exif_type =True):
will attempt to parse the date/ time Exif metadata entry into its pieces...
(year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds)
if not tmpDate:
return ""
return False
datetype = type(tmpDate)
# if variable is already in datetime.datetime() format, return it?
if datetype == datetime:
return _format_datetime(tmpDate)
pyear, pmonth, day = tmpDate.year, tmpDate.month,
hour, minutes, seconds = tmpDate.hour, tmpDate.minute, tmpDate.second
elif datetype in [date,, list]:
elif any(datetype == value for value in [date,, list] ):
hour, minutes, seconds = time.localtime()[3:6]
# ImageDateTime is in format
if datetype == date:
# format
if isinstance(tmpDate, date):
pyear, pmonth, day = tmpDate.year, tmpDate.month,
# ImageDateTime is in format
elif datetype ==
# format
elif isinstance(tmpDate,
pyear, pmonth, day = tmpDate.get_year(), tmpDate.get_month(), tmpDate.get_day()
# ImageDateTime is in list format
# list format
pyear, pmonth, day = tmpDate[0].year, tmpDate[0].month, tmpDate[0].day
# datetime is in string format...
# string format...
elif datetype == str:
datestr = _get_date_format(tmpDate)
@ -1418,44 +1416,24 @@ def _process_date(tmpDate):
pyear, pmonth, day, hour, minutes, seconds = [False]*6
# do some error trapping...
if pmonth > 12: pmonth = 12
if day == 0: day = 1
if hour >= 24: hour = 0
if minutes > 59: minutes = 59
if seconds > 59: seconds = 59
if (not pyear and not pmonth):
tmpDate = False
# get the number of days in year for all months
numdays = [0] + [calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1] for year
in [pyear] for month in range(1, 13) ]
if day > numdays[pmonth]:
day = numdays[pmonth]
if pyear < 1900:
tmpDate = "%04d-%s-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % (pyear, _dd.long_months[pmonth], day,
hour, minutes, seconds)
except ValueError:
tmpDate = ""
tmpDate = datetime(pyear, pmonth, day, hour, minutes, seconds)
except ValueError:
tmpDate = False
# create datetime...
tmpDate = _create_datetime(pyear, pmonth, day, hour, minutes, seconds)
if tmpDate is not False:
if type(tmpDate) == datetime:
return _format_datetime(tmpDate)
return "%04d-%s-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % (pyear, _dd.long_months[pmonth], day,
hour, minutes, seconds)
except ValueError:
return ""
return ""
if isinstance(tmpDate, datetime):
# for display only...
# make datetime displayed as user has set in preferences...
if exif_type:
tmpDate = _format_datetime(tmpDate)
return tmpDate
def _setup_widget_tooltips(Exif_widgets):