2007-11-19 Benny Malengier <benny.malengier@gramps-project.org>
* src/Relationship.py: many improvements and bug fixes * src/plugins/all_relations.py: bug fixes * src/plugins/RelCalc.py: use new API * src/plugins/rel_nl.py: finished, removed comment * src/plugins/rel_it.py: finished * src/plugins/rel_pl.py: move old code here away from Relationship * src/plugins/rel_pt.py: import gen.lib svn: r9367
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
2007-11-19 Benny Malengier <benny.malengier@gramps-project.org>
* src/Relationship.py: many improvements and bug fixes
* src/plugins/all_relations.py: bug fixes
* src/plugins/RelCalc.py: use new API
* src/plugins/rel_nl.py: finished, removed comment
* src/plugins/rel_it.py: finished
* src/plugins/rel_pl.py: move old code here away from Relationship
* src/plugins/rel_pt.py: import gen.lib
2007-11-18 Brian Matherly <brian@gramps-project.org>
* src/plugins/NarrativeWeb.py: Fix 0001361: Web report: Directory name
@ -616,32 +616,6 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
orig.get_gender(), other.get_gender())
return None
def __apply_filter_old(self, db, person, rel_str, plist, pmap, depth=1):
if person == None or depth > MAX_DEPTH:
depth += 1
pmap[person.handle] = rel_str # ?? this overwrites if person is double!
family_handle = person.get_main_parents_family_handle()
if family_handle:
family = db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
fhandle = family.father_handle
if fhandle:
father = db.get_person_from_handle(fhandle)
self.__apply_filter_old(db, father, rel_str+'f', plist, pmap,
mhandle = family.mother_handle
if mhandle:
mother = db.get_person_from_handle(mhandle)
self.__apply_filter_old(db, mother, rel_str+'m', plist, pmap,
def get_relationship_distance(self, db, orig_person, other_person):
@ -759,6 +733,7 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
self.__all_families = all_families
self.__all_dist = all_dist
self.__only_birth = only_birth
self.__crosslinks = False # no crosslinks
firstRel = -1
secondRel = -1
@ -776,10 +751,7 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
self.__apply_filter(db, orig_person, '', [], firstMap)
self.__apply_filter(db, other_person, '', [], secondMap,
stoprecursemap = firstMap,
## print firstMap
## print secondMap
stoprecursemap = firstMap)
except RuntimeError:
return (-1,None,-1,[],-1,[] ) , \
[_("Relationship loop detected")] + self.__msg
@ -788,15 +760,15 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
if firstMap.has_key(person_handle) :
com = []
#a common ancestor
for rel1,fam1 in zip(firstMap[person_handle][0],
for rel1, fam1 in zip(firstMap[person_handle][0],
l1 = len(rel1)
for rel2,fam2 in zip(secondMap[person_handle][0],
for rel2, fam2 in zip(secondMap[person_handle][0],
l2 = len(rel2)
#collect paths to arrive at common ancestor
com.append((l1+l2, person_handle, rel1, fam1,
rel2, fam2))
#insert common ancestor in correct position,
# if shorter links, check if not subset
# if longer links, check if not superset
@ -828,7 +800,7 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
if rel1new == rel1[:len(rel1new)] and \
rel2new == rel2[:len(rel2new)] :
index += 1
index += 1
for index in deletelist:
del common[index]
@ -837,8 +809,6 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
self.__msg += [_('Family tree reaches back more than the maximum '
'%d generations searched.\nIt is possible that '
'relationships have been missed') % (max_depth)]
## print 'common list :', common
if common and not self.__all_dist :
rank = common[0][0]
@ -859,13 +829,18 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
return [(-1,None,'',[],'',[])], self.__msg
def __apply_filter(self, db, person, rel_str, rel_fam, pmap,
depth=1, stoprecursemap=None, store_all=True):
'''We recursively add parents of person in pmap with correct rel_str,
if store_all. If store_all false, only store parents if in the
Stop recursion if parent is in the stoprecursemap (no need to
look parents of otherpers if done so already for origpers)
store pers
depth=1, stoprecursemap=None):
'''Typically this method is called recursively in two ways:
First method is stoprecursemap= None
In this case a recursemap is builded by storing all data.
Second method is with a stoprecursemap given
In this case parents are recursively looked up. If present in
stoprecursemap, a common ancestor is found, and the method can
stop looking further. If however self.__crosslinks == True, the data
of first contains loops, and parents
will be looked up anyway an stored if common. At end the doubles
are filtered out
if person == None or not person.handle :
@ -878,14 +853,20 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
depth += 1
commonancestor = False
if stoprecursemap and stoprecursemap.has_key(person.handle) :
commonancestor = True
store = True #normally we store all parents
if stoprecursemap:
store = False #but not if a stop map given
if stoprecursemap.has_key(person.handle):
commonancestor = True
store = True
#add person to the map, take into account that person can be obtained
#from different sides
if pmap.has_key(person.handle) :
if pmap.has_key(person.handle):
#person is already a grandparent in another branch, we already have
# had lookup of all parents
# had lookup of all parents, we call that a crosslink
if not stoprecursemap:
self.__crosslinks = True
pmap[person.handle][0] += [rel_str]
pmap[person.handle][1] += [rel_fam]
#check if there is no loop father son of his son, ...
@ -901,29 +882,28 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
elif store_all or commonancestor:
elif store:
pmap[person.handle] = [[rel_str],[rel_fam]]
#having added person to the pmap, we only look up recursively to
# parents if this person is not common relative
if commonancestor :
## print 'common ancestor found'
# if however the first map has crosslinks, we need to continue reduced
if commonancestor and not self.__crosslinks :
#don't continue search, great speedup!
family_handles = []
main = person.get_main_parents_family_handle()
## print 'main',main
if main :
family_handles = [main]
if self.__all_families :
family_handles = person.get_parent_family_handle_list()
## print 'all_families', family_handles
family_handles = person.get_parent_family_handle_list()
parentstodo = {}
fam = 0
for family_handle in family_handles :
rel_fam_new = rel_fam +[fam]
rel_fam_new = rel_fam + [fam]
family = db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
#obtain childref for this person
childrel = [(ref.get_mother_relation(),
@ -982,8 +962,7 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
data = parentstodo[handle]
self.__apply_filter(db, data[0],
data[1], data[2],
pmap, depth, stoprecursemap, store_all)
pmap, depth, stoprecursemap)
import traceback
print traceback.print_exc()
@ -1021,11 +1000,13 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
relfamfirst = relation[3][:]
relfamsec = relation[5][:]
#handle pure sibling:
rela2 = relation[2]
rela4 = relation[4]
if relation[2] and relation[2][-1] == self.REL_SIBLING:
#sibling will be the unique common ancestor,
#change to a family with unknown handle for common ancestor
relation[2] = relation[2][:-1] + self.REL_FAM_BIRTH
relation[4] = relation[4] + self.REL_FAM_BIRTH
rela2 = relation[2][:-1] + self.REL_FAM_BIRTH
rela4 = relation[4] + self.REL_FAM_BIRTH
relfamsec = relfamsec + [relfamfirst[-1]]
relstrsec = relation[4][:-1]
commonhandle = []
@ -1052,7 +1033,6 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
familypaths.append((relstrfirst, relstrsec,
relfamfirst, relfamsec))
##print 'resulting fam path', familypaths
for familypath in familypaths:
#familypath = (relstrfirst, relstrsec, relfamfirst, relfamsec)
@ -1062,28 +1042,58 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
#if relstr is '', the ancestor is unique, if posfam None,
# first time we see this family path
if (posfam is not None and relstrfirst is not None and
relstrsec is not None):
relstrsec is not None):
#we already have a common ancestor of this family, just add the
#other, setting correct family relation
tmp = commonnew[posfam]
frstcomstr = relation[2][-1]
frstcomstr = rela2[-1]
scndcomstr = tmp[2][-1]
newcomstra = self.famrel_from_persrel(frstcomstr, scndcomstr)
frstcomstr = relation[4][-1]
frstcomstr = rela4[-1]
scndcomstr = tmp[4][-1]
newcomstrb = self.famrel_from_persrel(frstcomstr, scndcomstr)
commonnew[posfam] = (tmp[0], tmp[1]+commonhandle,
tmp[3], relation[4][:-1]+newcomstrb,
tmp[3], rela4[:-1]+newcomstrb,
else :
commonnew.append((relation[0], commonhandle, relation[2],
relfamfirst, relation[4], relfamsec)
##print 'commonnew', commonnew
return commonnew
commonnew.append((relation[0], commonhandle, rela2,
familypath[2], rela4, familypath[3])
#we now have multiple person handles, single families, now collapse
# families again if all else equal
collapsed = commonnew[:1]
for rel in commonnew[1:]:
found = False
for newrel in collapsed:
if newrel[0:3] == rel[0:3] and newrel[4] == rel[4]:
#another familypath to arrive at same result, merge
path1 = []
path2 = []
for a, b in zip(newrel[3], rel[3]):
if a == b:
elif isinstance(a, list):
path1.append([a, b])
for a, b in zip(newrel[5], rel[5]):
if a == b:
elif isinstance(a, list):
path2.append([a, b])
newrel[3][:] = path1[:]
newrel[5][:] = path2[:]
found = True
if not found:
return collapsed
def famrel_from_persrel(self, persrela, persrelb):
""" Conversion from eg 'f' and 'm' to 'a', so relation to the two
@ -1161,8 +1171,9 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
return ('', -1, -1)
return ''
data = self.collapse_relations(data)
#most relevant relationship is a birth family relation of lowest rank
databest = [data[0]]
rankbest = data[0][0]
@ -1248,7 +1259,73 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
return (rel_str, dist_orig, dist_other)
return rel_str
def get_all_relationships(self, db, orig_person, other_person):
""" Returns a tuple, of which the first entry is a list with all
relationships in text, and the second a list of lists of all common
ancestors that have that text as relationship
relstrings = []
commons = {}
if orig_person == None:
return ([], [])
if orig_person.get_handle() == other_person.get_handle():
return ([], [])
is_spouse = self.is_spouse(db, orig_person, other_person)
if is_spouse:
commons[is_spouse] = []
data, msg = self.get_relationship_distance_new(
db, orig_person, other_person,
all_families=True, only_birth=False)
if not data[0][0] == -1:
for rel in data :
rel2 = rel[2]
rel4 = rel[4]
rel1 = rel[1]
dist_orig = len(rel[2])
dist_other= len(rel[4])
if rel[2] and rel[2][-1] == self.REL_SIBLING:
rel2 = rel2[:-1] + self.REL_FAM_BIRTH
dist_other += 1
rel4 = rel4 + self.REL_FAM_BIRTH
rel1 = None
birth = self.only_birth(rel2) and self.only_birth(rel4)
if dist_orig == 1 and dist_other == 1:
rel_str = self.get_sibling_relationship_string(
db, orig_person, other_person),
rel_str = self.get_single_relationship_string(dist_orig,
rel2, rel4,
if not rel_str in relstrings:
if rel1:
commons[rel_str] = [rel1]
#unknown parent eg
commons[rel_str] = []
if rel1:
#construct the return tupply, relstrings is ordered on rank automatic
common_list = []
for rel_str in relstrings:
return (relstrings, common_list)
def get_relationship(self, db, orig_person, other_person):
returns a string representing the relationshp between the two people,
@ -1463,8 +1540,6 @@ class RelationshipCalculator:
2/for better determination of siblings, use if Ga=1=Gb
## print 'Ga, Gb :', Ga, Gb
if only_birth:
step = ''
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class RelCalc(Tool.Tool, ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow):
self.relationship = relationship_class()
base = os.path.dirname(__file__)
glade_file = "%s/relcalc.glade" % base
glade_file = base + os.sep + "relcalc.glade"
self.glade = gtk.glade.XML(glade_file,"relcalc","gramps")
name = name_displayer.display(self.person)
@ -144,64 +144,68 @@ class RelCalc(Tool.Tool, ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow):
handle = model.get_value(node,len(PeopleModel.COLUMN_DEFS)-1)
other_person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(handle)
if other_person != None:
(rel_string,common) = self.relationship.get_relationship(
# A quick way to get unique list
common = list(set(common))
length = len(common)
length = 0
text1 = self.glade.get_widget("text1").get_buffer()
if other_person is None :
#now determine the relation, and print it out
rel_strings, common_an = self.relationship.get_all_relationships(
self.db, self.person, other_person)
if other_person == None:
commontext = ""
elif length == 1:
person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(common[0])
if common[0] == other_person.handle or \
common[0] == self.person.handle :
commontext = ''
else :
name = name_displayer.display(person)
commontext = " " + _("Their common ancestor is %s.") % name
elif length == 2:
p1 = self.db.get_person_from_handle(common[0])
p2 = self.db.get_person_from_handle(common[1])
p1str = name_displayer.display(p1)
p2str = name_displayer.display(p2)
commontext = " " + _("Their common ancestors are %s and %s."
) % (p1str,p2str)
elif length > 2:
index = 0
commontext = " " + _("Their common ancestors are: ")
for person_handle in common:
person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(person_handle)
if index != 0:
commontext = commontext + ", "
commontext = commontext + name_displayer.display(person)
index = index + 1
commontext = commontext + "."
commontext = ""
p1 = name_displayer.display(self.person)
p2 = name_displayer.display(other_person)
text1 = self.glade.get_widget("text1").get_buffer()
if other_person:
p1 = name_displayer.display(self.person)
p2 = name_displayer.display(other_person)
if other_person == None:
rstr = ""
text = []
if other_person == None:
elif self.person.handle == other_person.handle:
rstr = _("%s and %s are the same person.") % (p1,p2)
elif rel_string == "":
rstr = _("%s and %s are the same person.") % (p1, p2)
text.append((rstr, ""))
elif len(rel_strings) == 0:
rstr = _("%(person)s and %(active_person)s are not related.") % {
'person' : p2, 'active_person' : p1 }
rstr = _("%(person)s is the %(relationship)s of %(active_person)s."
) % {'person' : p2, 'relationship' : rel_string,
'active_person' : p1 }
'person' : p2, 'active_person' : p1 }
text.append((rstr, ""))
text1.set_text("%s %s" % (rstr, commontext))
for rel_string, common in zip(rel_strings, common_an):
rstr = _("%(person)s is the %(relationship)s of %(active_person)s."
) % {'person' : p2, 'relationship' : rel_string,
'active_person' : p1 }
length = len(common)
if length == 1:
person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(common[0])
if common[0] == other_person.handle or \
common[0] == self.person.handle :
commontext = ''
else :
name = name_displayer.display(person)
commontext = " " + _("Their common ancestor is %s.") % name
elif length == 2:
p1c = self.db.get_person_from_handle(common[0])
p2c = self.db.get_person_from_handle(common[1])
p1str = name_displayer.display(p1c)
p2str = name_displayer.display(p2c)
commontext = " " + _("Their common ancestors are %s and %s."
) % (p1str,p2str)
elif length > 2:
index = 0
commontext = " " + _("Their common ancestors are: ")
for person_handle in common:
person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(person_handle)
if index != 0:
commontext = commontext + ", "
commontext = commontext + name_displayer.display(person)
index = index + 1
commontext = commontext + "."
commontext = ""
text.append((rstr, commontext))
textval = ""
for val in text:
textval += "%s %s\n" % (val[0], val[1])
@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ class AllRelReport():
#all relations
if (not common or common[0][0]== -1 ) and not is_spouse:
rstr = _("%(person)s and %(active_person)s are not "
@ -241,7 +240,7 @@ class AllRelReport():
sdoc.paragraph(_FMT % (count-len(skip_list), rel_str))
else :
sdoc.paragraph(_FMT % (count, rel_str))
count += 1
return count
@ -272,8 +271,9 @@ class AllRelReport():
for relation in relations:
if count in skip_list:
count += 1
counter = str(count)
counter = str(count - len([x for x in range(count) if x+1 in skip_list]))
name = _('Unknown')
if relation[1]:
name = self.sdb.name(self.database.get_person_from_handle(
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ class AllRelReport():
famstr = ''
if isinstance(fam, list):
famstr = str(fam[0]+1)
for val in fam :
for val in fam[1:] :
famstr = famstr + ', ' + str(val+1)
famstr = str(fam+1)
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# -*- python -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
@ -23,6 +24,8 @@
# Written by Lorenzo Cappelletti <lorenzo.cappelletti@email.it>, 2003
# Benny Malengier <benny.malengier@gramps-project.org, 2007
# Maria-Cristina Ciocci <see above>, 2007
@ -42,12 +45,77 @@ from PluginUtils import register_relcalc
_level =\
["", "prim", "second", "terz", "quart", "quint", "sest",
"settim", "ottav", "non", "decim", "undicesim", "dodicesim",
"tredicesim", "quattordicesim", "quindicesim", "sedicesim",
"diciasettesim", "diciottesim", "diciannovesim", "ventesim"]
_level = [
"", "prim%(gen)s", "second%(gen)s", "terz%(gen)s", "quart%(gen)s",
"quint%(gen)s", "sest%(gen)s",
"settim%(gen)s", "ottav%(gen)s", "non%(gen)s", "decim%(gen)s",
"undicesim%(gen)s", "dodicesim%(gen)s",
"tredicesim%(gen)s", "quattordicesim%(gen)s", "quindicesim%(gen)s",
"sedicesim%(gen)s", "diciasettesim%(gen)s", "diciottesim%(gen)s",
"diciannovesim%(gen)s", "ventesim%(gen)s"
_level_m = [
"", "primo", "secondo", "terzo", "quarto",
"quinto", "sesto",
"settimo", "ottavo", "nono", "decimo",
"undicesimo", "dodicesimo",
"tredicesimo", "quattordicesimo", "quindicesimo",
"sedicesimo", "diciasettesimo", "diciottesimo",
"diciannovesimo", "ventesimo"
_level_f = [
"", "prima", "seconda", "terza", "quarta",
"quinta", "sesta",
"settima", "ottava", "nona", "decima",
"undicesima", "dodicesima",
"tredicesima", "quattordicesima", "quindicesima",
"sedicesima", "diciasettesima", "diciottesima",
"diciannovesima", "ventesima"
_father_level = [ "",
"il padre%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
"il nonno%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
"il bisnonno%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
"il trisnonno%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
_mother_level = [ "",
"la madre%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
"la nonna%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
"la bisnonna%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
"la trisnonna%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
_son_level = [ "", "il figlio%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
"il nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretto",
"il pronipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretto"
_daughter_level = [ "", "la figlia%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
"la nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretta",
"la pronipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretta"
_brother_level = [ "", "il fratello%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
"lo zio%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
"il prozio%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
_sister_level = [ "", "la sorella%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
"la zia%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
"la prozia%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
_nephew_level = [ "", "il nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
"il pronipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s"
_niece_level = [ "", "la nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s",
"la pronipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s"
@ -55,6 +123,10 @@ _level =\
class RelationshipCalculator(Relationship.RelationshipCalculator):
INLAW = ' acquisit%(gen)s'
STEP = ' adottiv%(gen)s'
def __init__(self):
@ -68,70 +140,171 @@ class RelationshipCalculator(Relationship.RelationshipCalculator):
# please, drop me an email.
def __gen_suffix(self, gender):
if gender == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
return 'o'
return 'a'
def get_parents (self,level):
if level>len(_level)-1:
return "remote ancestors"
return "%si genitori" % _level[level]
def get_father (self,level, gender="o"):
if level>len(_level)-1:
return "remote ancestor"
elif level == 0: return ""
elif level == 1: return "padre"
elif level == 2: return "nonn%s" % gender
elif level == 3: return "bisnonn%s" % gender
else : return "%s%s nonn%s" % (_level[level], gender, gender)
def get_mother (self,level):
if level == 1: return "madre"
else : return self.get_father(level, "a")
def get_son (self, level, gender="o"):
if level>len(_level)-1:
return "remote descendant"
elif level == 0: return ""
elif level == 1: return "figli%s" % gender
elif level == 2: return "nipote"
elif level == 3: return "pronipote"
else : return "%s%s nipote" % (_level[level], gender)
def get_daughter (self, level):
return self.get_son(level, "a")
def get_uncle (self, level, gender="o"):
if level>len(_level)-1:
return "remote ancestor"
elif level == 0: return ""
elif level == 1: return "fratello"
elif level == 2: return "zi%s" % gender
elif level == 3: return "prozi%s" % gender
else : return "%s%s zi%s" % (_level[level], gender, gender)
def get_aunt (self,level):
if level == 1: return "sorella"
else : return self.get_uncle(level, "a")
def get_nephew(self,level, gender="o"):
if level>len(_level)-1:
return "remote descendant"
elif level == 0: return ""
elif level == 1: return "nipote"
elif level == 2: return "pronipote"
else : return "%s%s nipote" % (_level[level], gender)
def get_niece(self,level):
return self.get_nephew(level, "a")
def get_male_cousin (self,levelA, levelB, gender="o"):
if levelA+levelB>len(_level):
return "remote relative"
def get_father (self, level, step='', inlaw=''):
gen = "o"
if level < len(_father_level):
return _father_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \
% {'gen': gen}
elif level < len(_level):
return 'il nonno%(step)s%(inlaw)s della %(level_f)s generazione' % {
'level_f': _level_f[level],
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen}
return "cugin%s di %so grado (%i-%i)" \
% (gender, _level[levelA+levelB-1], levelA, levelB)
return "l'avo%(step)s%(inlaw)s (%(level)d generazioni)" % {
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw,
'level': level} % {'gen': gen}
def get_female_cousin (self,levelA, levelB):
return self.get_male_cousin(levelA, levelB, "a")
def get_mother (self, level, step='', inlaw=''):
gen = "a"
if level < len(_father_level):
return _mother_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \
% {'gen': gen}
elif level < len(_level):
return 'la nonna%(step)s%(inlaw)s della %(level_f)s generazione' % {
'level_f': _level_f[level],
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen}
return "l'ava%(step)s%(inlaw)s (%(level)d generazioni)" % {
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw,
'level': level} % {'gen': gen}
def get_parent_unknown(self, level, step='', inlaw=''):
gen = "o/a"
if level == 1:
return "uno dei genitori%(step)s%(inlaw)s" % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \
% {'gen': gen}
elif level < len(_father_level):
return _mother_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \
% {'gen': gen}
elif level < len(_level):
return 'nonno/a%(step)s%(inlaw)s della %(level_f)s generazione' % {
'level_f': _level_f[level],
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen}
return "l'ava%(step)s%(inlaw)s (%(level)d generazioni)" % {
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw,
'level': level} % {'gen': gen}
def get_son (self, level, step="", inlaw=""):
gen = "o"
if level < len(_son_level):
return _son_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \
% {'gen': gen}
elif level < len(_level):
return 'il nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretto della %(level_f)s generazione' % {
'level_f': _level_f[level],
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen}
return "il discendente%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretto (%(level)d generazioni)" % {
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw,
'level': level} % {'gen': gen}
def get_daughter (self, level, step="", inlaw=""):
gen = "a"
if level < len(_daughter_level):
return _daughter_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \
% {'gen': gen}
elif level < len(_level):
return 'la nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretta della %(level_f)s generazione' % {
'level_f': _level_f[level],
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen}
return "la discendente%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretta (%(level)d generazioni)" % {
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw,
'level': level} % {'gen': gen}
def get_uncle (self, level, step="", inlaw=""):
gen = "o"
if level < len(_brother_level):
return _brother_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \
% {'gen': gen}
elif level < len(_level):
return 'lo zio%(step)s%(inlaw)s della %(level_f)s generazione' % {
'level_f': _level_f[level],
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen}
return 'uno zio%(step)s%(inlaw)s lontano (%(level)d generazioni)' % {
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw,
'level': level} % {'gen': gen}
def get_aunt (self, level, step="", inlaw=""):
gen = "a"
if level < len(_brother_level):
return _sister_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \
% {'gen': gen}
elif level < len(_level):
return 'la zia%(step)s%(inlaw)s della %(level_f)s generazione' % {
'level_f': _level_f[level],
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen}
return 'una zia%(step)s%(inlaw)s lontana (%(level)d generazioni)' % {
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw,
'level': level} % {'gen': gen}
def get_nephew(self, level, step="", inlaw=""):
gen = "o"
if level < len(_nephew_level):
return _nephew_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \
% {'gen': gen}
elif level < len(_level):
return 'il nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s ' \
'della %(level_f)s generazione' % {
'level_f': _level_f[level],
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen}
return 'un nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s lontano ('\
'%(level)d generazioni)' % {
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw,
'level': level} % {'gen': gen}
def get_niece(self, level, step="", inlaw=""):
gen = "a"
if level < len(_nephew_level):
return _niece_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \
% {'gen': gen}
elif level < len(_level):
return 'la nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s ' \
'della %(level_f)s generazione' % {
'level_f': _level_f[level],
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen}
return 'una nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s lontana ('\
'%(level)d generazioni)' % {
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw,
'level': level} % {'gen': gen}
def get_male_cousin (self, levelA, levelB, step="", inlaw=""):
gen = "o"
return "il cugino%(step)s%(inlaw)s di %(level)d° grado"\
"(%(levA)d-%(levB)d)" \
% {'level': levelA+levelB-1,
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw,
'levA': levelA,
'levB': levelB} % {'gen': gen}
def get_female_cousin (self, levelA, levelB, step="", inlaw=""):
gen = "a"
return "la cugina%(step)s%(inlaw)s di %(level)d° grado"\
"(%(levA)d-%(levB)d)" \
% {'level': levelA+levelB-1,
'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw,
'levA': levelA,
'levB': levelB} % {'gen': gen}
@ -199,6 +372,136 @@ class RelationshipCalculator(Relationship.RelationshipCalculator):
return (self.get_female_cousin(firstRel-1, secondRel-1), common)
def get_single_relationship_string(self, Ga, Gb, gender_a, gender_b,
reltocommon_a, reltocommon_b,
in_law_a=False, in_law_b=False):
See Comment in Relationship Class (Relationship.py)
if only_birth:
step = ''
step = self.STEP
if in_law_a or in_law_b :
inlaw = self.INLAW
inlaw = ''
if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
rel_str = "un parente%s%s lontano" % (step, inlaw) % {'gen': 'o'}
elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE:
rel_str = "una parente%s%s lontana" % (step, inlaw) % {'gen': 'a'}
rel_str = "uno dei parenti%s%s lontani" % (step, inlaw) % {'gen': 'i'}
if Gb == 0:
if Ga == 0:
rel_str = 'la stessa persona'
elif Ga == 1 and inlaw and not step:
if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
rel_str = 'il suocero'
elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE:
rel_str = 'la suocera'
rel_str = 'uno dei suoceri'
elif Ga == 1 and not inlaw and step:
if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
rel_str = 'il patrigno'
elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE:
rel_str = 'la matrigna'
rel_str = 'uno dei genitori adottivi'
elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
rel_str = self.get_father(Ga, step, inlaw)
elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE:
rel_str = self.get_mother(Ga, step, inlaw)
rel_str = self.get_parent_unknown(Ga, step, inlaw)
elif Ga == 0:
if Gb == 1 and inlaw and not step:
if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
rel_str = 'il genero'
elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE:
rel_str = 'la nuora'
rel_str = 'genero/nuora'
elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
rel_str = self.get_son(Gb, step, inlaw)
rel_str = self.get_daughter(Gb, step, inlaw)
elif Gb == 1:
if Ga == 1 and inlaw and not step:
if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
rel_str = 'il cognato'
elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE:
rel_str = 'la cognata'
rel_str = 'il cognato/a'
if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
rel_str = self.get_uncle(Ga, step, inlaw)
rel_str = self.get_aunt(Ga, step, inlaw)
elif Ga == 1:
if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
rel_str = self.get_nephew(Gb-1, step, inlaw)
rel_str = self.get_niece(Gb-1, step, inlaw)
if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
rel_str = self.get_male_cousin(Gb-1, Ga-1, step, inlaw)
rel_str = self.get_female_cousin(Gb-1, Ga-1, step, inlaw)
return rel_str
def get_sibling_relationship_string(self, sib_type, gender_a, gender_b,
in_law_a=False, in_law_b=False):
""" Determine the string giving the relation between two siblings of
type sib_type.
Eg: b is the brother of a
Here 'brother' is the string we need to determine
For italian, we need to determine 'the brother'
This method gives more details about siblings than
get_single_relationship_string can do.
if in_law_a or in_law_b :
inlaw = self.INLAW
inlaw = ''
if sib_type == self.NORM_SIB or sib_type == self.UNKNOWN_SIB:
if not inlaw:
if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
rel_str = self.get_uncle(1, '', '')
rel_str = self.get_aunt(1, '', '')
if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
rel_str = 'il cognato'
elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE:
rel_str = 'la cognata'
rel_str = 'il cognato/a'
elif sib_type == self.HALF_SIB or sib_type == self.STEP_SIB:
#Italian has no difference between half and step sibling!
if not inlaw:
if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
rel_str = 'il fratellastro'
elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE:
rel_str = 'la sorellastra'
rel_str = 'il fratellastro/sorellastra'
if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
rel_str = 'il fratellastro acquisito'
elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE:
rel_str = 'la sorellastra acquisita'
rel_str = 'il fratellastro/sorellastra acquisito/a'
return rel_str
@ -459,7 +459,6 @@ class RelationshipCalculator(Relationship.RelationshipCalculator):
elif Ga == 0:
#a is descendant
if Gb == 1 and inlaw and not step:
#inlaw children only exist up to first level:
if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
rel_str = 'schoonzoon'
elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE:
@ -490,6 +490,33 @@ class RelationshipCalculator(Relationship.RelationshipCalculator):
return (firstRel,secondRel,common,firstList,secondList)
def __apply_filter_old(self, db, person, rel_str, plist, pmap, depth=1):
copied here from Relationship.py as no longer needed elsewhere
if person == None or depth > MAX_DEPTH:
depth += 1
pmap[person.handle] = rel_str # ?? this overwrites if person is double!
family_handle = person.get_main_parents_family_handle()
if family_handle:
family = db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
fhandle = family.father_handle
if fhandle:
father = db.get_person_from_handle(fhandle)
self.__apply_filter_old(db, father, rel_str+'f', plist, pmap,
mhandle = family.mother_handle
if mhandle:
mother = db.get_person_from_handle(mhandle)
self.__apply_filter_old(db, mother, rel_str+'m', plist, pmap,
def get_relationship(self,db,orig_person,other_person):
Returns a string representing the relationshp between the two people,
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
import RelLib
import gen.lib
import Relationship
import types
from gettext import gettext as _
Reference in New Issue
Block a user