Tweaks and minor refactoring

svn: r14096
This commit is contained in:
Gerald Britton 2010-01-18 20:14:59 +00:00
parent bf0d4a5123
commit 517a5e3c90

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
from gen.ggettext import gettext as _
from bisect import bisect
@ -47,6 +48,76 @@ import ImgManip
import Errors
import Utils
# Latex Article Template
_LATEX_TEMPLATE_1 = '\\documentclass[%s]{article}\n'
_LATEX_TEMPLATE = '''\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
% We use latin1 encoding at a minimum by default.
% GRAMPS uses unicode UTF-8 encoding for its
% international support. LaTeX can deal gracefully
% with unicode encoding by using the ucs style invoked
% when utf8 is specified as an option to the inputenc
% package. This package is included by default in some
% installations, but not in others, so we do not make it
% the default. Uncomment the second line if you wish to use it
% (If you do not have ucs.sty, you may obtain it from
\\usepackage{graphicx} % Extended graphics support
\\usepackage{longtable} % For multi-page tables
\\usepackage{calc} % For margin indents
% Depending on your LaTeX installation, the margins may be too
% narrow. This can be corrected by uncommenting the following
% two lines and adjusting the width appropriately. The example
% removes 0.5in from each margin. (Adds 1 inch to the text)
% Create a margin-adjusting command that allows LaTeX
% to behave like the other gramps-supported output formats
\\setlength{\\parindent}{\\leftedge + #1}%
\\setlength{\\textwidth}{\\grampstext - #1}%
# Font size table and function
# These tables coorelate font sizes to Latex. The first table contains
# typical font sizes in points. The second table contains the standard
# Latex font size names. Since we use bisect to map the first table to the
# second, we are guaranteed that any font less than 6 points is 'tiny', fonts
# from 6-7 points are 'script', etc. and fonts greater than or equal to 22
# are considered 'Huge'. Note that fonts from 12-13 points are not given a
# Latex font size name but are considered "normal."
_FONT_SIZES = [6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22]
_FONT_NAMES = ['tiny', 'scriptsize', 'footnotesize', 'small', '',
'large', 'Large', 'LARGE', 'huge', 'Huge']
def map_font_size(fontsize):
""" Map font size in points to Latex font size """
return _FONT_NAMES[bisect(_FONT_SIZES, fontsize)]
# Functions for docbackend
@ -138,24 +209,12 @@ class LateXBackend(DocBackend):
return None
elif type == DocBackend.FONTSIZE:
#translate size in point to something LaTeX can work with
if value >= 22:
return ("{\\Huge ", "}")
elif value >= 20:
return ("{\\huge ", "}")
elif value >= 18:
return ("{\\LARGE ", "}")
elif value >= 16:
return ("{\\Large ", "}")
elif value >= 14:
return ("{\\large ", "}")
elif value < 8:
return ("{\\scriptsize ", "}")
elif value < 10:
return ("{\\footnotesize ", "}")
elif value < 12:
return ("{\\small ", "}")
fontsize = map_font_size(value)
if fontsize:
return ("{\\" + fontsize + ' ', "}")
return ("", "")
elif type == DocBackend.FONTFACE:
if 'MONO' in value.upper():
return ("{\\ttfamily ", "}")
@ -191,7 +250,7 @@ def roman2arabic(strval):
return 0
# Return None if there are chars outside of valid roman numerals
if [char for char in strval if char not in 'MDCLXVI']:
if not all(char in 'MDCLXVI' for char in strval):
return 0
vals2 = ['CM', 'CD', 'XC', 'XL', 'IX', 'IV']
@ -277,59 +336,14 @@ class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc, TextDoc):
# Paper selections are somewhat limited on a stock installation.
# If the user picks something not listed here, we'll just accept
# the default of the user's LaTeX installation (usually letter).
paper_name = self.paper.get_size().get_name()
if paper_name == "A4":
options = options + ",a4paper"
elif paper_name == "A5":
options = options + ",a5paper"
elif paper_name == "B5":
options = options + ",b4paper"
elif paper_name == "Legal":
options = options + ",legalpaper"
elif paper_name == "Letter":
options = options + ",letterpaper"
paper_name = self.paper.get_size().get_name().lower()
if paper_name in ["a4", "a5", "legal", "letter"]:
options += ',' + paper_name + 'paper'
# Use the article template, T1 font encodings, and specify
# that we should use Latin1 and unicode character encodings.
self._backend.write('\\documentclass[%s]{article}\n' % options)
self._backend.write('%\n% We use latin1 encoding at a minimum by default.\n')
self._backend.write('% GRAMPS uses unicode UTF-8 encoding for its\n')
self._backend.write('% international support. LaTeX can deal gracefully\n')
self._backend.write('% with unicode encoding by using the ucs style invoked\n')
self._backend.write('% when utf8 is specified as an option to the inputenc\n')
self._backend.write('% package. This package is included by default in some\n')
self._backend.write('% installations, but not in others, so we do not make it\n')
self._backend.write('% the default. Uncomment the second line if you wish to use it\n')
self._backend.write('% (If you do not have ucs.sty, you may obtain it from\n')
# add packages (should be standard on a default installation)
# for finer output control. Put comments in file for user to read
self._backend.write('\\usepackage{graphicx} % Extended graphics support\n')
self._backend.write('\\usepackage{longtable} % For multi-page tables\n')
self._backend.write('\\usepackage{calc} % For margin indents\n')
self._backend.write('%\n% Depending on your LaTeX installation, the')
self._backend.write(' margins may be too\n% narrow. ')
self._backend.write(' This can be corrected by uncommenting the following\n')
self._backend.write('% two lines and adjusting the width appropriately.')
self._backend.write(' The example\n% removes 0.5in from each margin.')
self._backend.write(' (Adds 1 inch to the text)\n')
self._backend.write('% Create a margin-adjusting command that allows LaTeX\n')
self._backend.write('% to behave like the other gramps-supported output formats\n')
self._backend.write(' \\setlength{\\parindent}{\\leftedge + #1}%\n')
self._backend.write(' \\setlength{\\textwidth}{\\grampstext - #1}%\n')
self._backend.write(_LATEX_TEMPLATE_1 % options)
self.in_list = 0
self.in_table = 0
@ -353,54 +367,30 @@ class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc, TextDoc):
# Is there special alignment? (default is left)
align = style.get_alignment_text()
if align == "center":
thisstyle.font_beg = thisstyle.font_beg + "\\centerline{"
thisstyle.font_beg += "\\centerline{"
thisstyle.font_end = "}" + thisstyle.font_end
elif align == "right":
thisstyle.font_beg = thisstyle.font_beg + "\\hfill"
thisstyle.font_beg += "\\hfill"
# Establish font face and shape
if font.get_type_face() == FONT_SANS_SERIF:
thisstyle.font_beg = thisstyle.font_beg + "\\sffamily"
thisstyle.font_beg += "\\sffamily"
thisstyle.font_end = "\\rmfamily" + thisstyle.font_end
if font.get_bold():
thisstyle.font_beg = thisstyle.font_beg + "\\bfseries"
thisstyle.font_beg += "\\bfseries"
thisstyle.font_end = "\\mdseries" + thisstyle.font_end
if font.get_italic() or font.get_underline():
thisstyle.font_beg = thisstyle.font_beg + "\\itshape"
thisstyle.font_beg += "\\itshape"
thisstyle.font_end = "\\upshape" + thisstyle.font_end
# Now determine font size
sflag = 0
if size >= 22:
thisstyle.font_beg = thisstyle.font_beg + "\\Huge"
sflag = 1
elif size >= 20:
thisstyle.font_beg = thisstyle.font_beg + "\\huge"
sflag = 1
elif size >= 18:
thisstyle.font_beg = thisstyle.font_beg + "\\LARGE"
sflag = 1
elif size >= 16:
thisstyle.font_beg = thisstyle.font_beg + "\\Large"
sflag = 1
elif size >= 14:
thisstyle.font_beg = thisstyle.font_beg + "\\large"
sflag = 1
elif size < 8:
thisstyle.font_beg = thisstyle.font_beg + "\\scriptsize"
sflag = 1
elif size < 10:
thisstyle.font_beg = thisstyle.font_beg + "\\footnotesize"
sflag = 1
elif size < 12:
thisstyle.font_beg = thisstyle.font_beg + "\\small"
sflag = 1
fontsize = map_font_size(size)
if fontsize:
thisstyle.font_beg += "\\" + fontsize
thisstyle.font_end += "\\normalsize"
if sflag == 1:
thisstyle.font_end = thisstyle.font_end + "\\normalsize"
thisstyle.font_beg = thisstyle.font_beg + " "
thisstyle.font_end = thisstyle.font_end + " "
thisstyle.font_beg += " "
thisstyle.font_end += " "
left = style.get_left_margin()
first = style.get_first_indent() + left
@ -459,10 +449,8 @@ class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc, TextDoc):
self._backend.write(' \\renewcommand\\theenumi{\\arabic{enumi}}')
# roman, set the case correctly
if leader_1.islower():
self._backend.write(' \\renewcommand\\theenumi{\\roman{enumi}}')
self._backend.write(' \\renewcommand\\theenumi{\\Roman{enumi}}')
elf._backend.write(' \\renewcommand\\theenumi{\\%soman{enumi}}'
% ('r' if leader_1.islower() else 'R'))
self._backend.write(' \\setcounter{enumi}{%d} ' % num)
self._backend.write(' \\addtocounter{enumi}{-1}\n')
@ -612,8 +600,7 @@ class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc, TextDoc):
text = '\\newline\n'
text = latexescape(text)
#hard coded replace of the underline used for missing names/data
text = text.replace('\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_',
text = text.replace('\\_'*13, '\\underline{\hspace{3cm}}')
def write_styled_note(self, styledtext, format, style_name):