Removed the Exif metadata Viewing Area...

svn: r17477
This commit is contained in:
Rob G. Healey 2011-05-12 01:06:38 +00:00
parent 5d95f00489
commit b70ea64125

@ -187,14 +187,11 @@ _DATAMAP.update( (val, key) for key, val in _DATAMAP.items() )
# Toolt tips for the buttons in the gramplet...
# CopyTo button...
"CopyTo" : _("Copies information from the Display area to the Edit area."),
# Clear Edit Area button...
"Clear" : _("Clears the Exif metadata from the Edit area."),
# Calendar date select button...
"Date:Select" : _("Allows you to select a date from a pop-up window calendar. \n"
"Popup:Select" : _("Allows you to select a date from a pop-up window calendar. \n"
"Warning: You will still need to edit the time..."),
# Convert to decimal button...
@ -286,85 +283,79 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
def build_gui(self):
creates the editing area fields.
vbox = gtk.VBox()
medialabel = gtk.HBox(False)
self.exif_widgets["Media:Label"] = gtk.Label()
self.exif_widgets["Media:Label"].set_alignment(0.0, 0.0)
medialabel.pack_start(self.exif_widgets["Media:Label"], expand =False)
vbox.pack_start(medialabel, expand =False)
hbox = gtk.HBox(False)
label = gtk.Label()
label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.0)
self.exif_widgets["Media:Label"] = label
hbox.pack_start(self.exif_widgets["Media:Label"], expand =False)
vbox.pack_start(hbox, expand =False)
mimetype = gtk.HBox(False)
self.exif_widgets["Mime:Type"] = gtk.Label()
self.exif_widgets["Mime:Type"].set_alignment(0.0, 0.0)
mimetype.pack_start(self.exif_widgets["Mime:Type"], expand =False)
vbox.pack_start(mimetype, expand =False)
hbox = gtk.HBox(False)
label = gtk.Label()
label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.0)
self.exif_widgets["Mime:Type"] = label
hbox.pack_start(self.exif_widgets["Mime:Type"], expand =False)
vbox.pack_start(hbox, expand =False)
messagearea = gtk.HBox(False)
self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"] = gtk.Label(_("Click an image to begin..."))
self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"].set_alignment(0.5, 0.0)
messagearea.pack_start(self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"], expand =False)
vbox.pack_start(messagearea, expand =False)
hbox = gtk.HBox(False)
label = gtk.Label()
label.set_alignment(0.5, 0.0)
self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"] = label
hbox.pack_start(self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"], expand =False)
vbox.pack_start(hbox, expand =False)
self.model = gtk.ListStore(object, str, str)
view = gtk.TreeView(self.model)
# Key Column
view.append_column( self.__create_column(_("Key"), 1) )
# Value Column
view.append_column( self.__create_column(_("Value"), 2) )
# CopyTo, Clear, Convert horizontal box
ccc_box = gtk.HButtonBox()
vbox.pack_start(ccc_box, expand =False, fill =False, padding =10)
# Copy To Edit Area button...
ccc_box.add( self.__create_button(
"CopyTo", False, [self.CopyTo], gtk.STOCK_COPY, False) )
# Edit, Clear, Convert horizontal box
ecc_box = gtk.HButtonBox()
vbox.pack_start(ecc_box, expand =False, fill =False, padding =10)
# Clear button...
ccc_box.add( self.__create_button(
ecc_box.add( self.__create_button(
"Clear", False, [self.clear_metadata], gtk.STOCK_CLEAR, False) )
# is ImageMagick installed?
# Convert button...
ccc_box.add( self.__create_button(
ecc_box.add( self.__create_button(
"Convert", False, [self.__convert_dialog], gtk.STOCK_CONVERT, False) )
for items in [
# Image Description
("Description", _("Description"), None, False, [], True, 0),
("Description", _("Description"), None, False, [], True, 0),
# Last Modified Date/ Time
("Modified", _("Last Changed"), None, True, [], True, 0),
("Modified", _("Last Changed"), None, True, [], True, 0),
# Artist field
("Artist", _("Artist"), None, False, [], True, 0),
("Artist", _("Artist"), None, False, [], True, 0),
# copyright field
("Copyright", _("Copyright"), None, False, [], True, 0),
("Copyright", _("Copyright"), None, False, [], True, 0),
# calendar date clickable entry...
("Popup", "", None, True,
[("Select", _("Select Date"), "button", self.select_date)],
True, 0),
# calendar date clickable entry
("Date", "", None, True,
[("Select", _("Select Date"), "button", self.select_date)],
True, 0),
# Original Date/ Time Entry, 1826-April-12 14:06:00
("DateTime", _("Date/ Time"), None, False, [], True, 0),
("DateTime", _("Date/ Time"), None, False, [], True, 0),
# Convert GPS Coordinates
("GPSFormat", _("Convert GPS"), None, True,
[("Decimal", _("Decimal"), "button", self.convert2decimal),
("DMS", _("Deg. Min. Sec."), "button", self.convert2dms)],
("GPSFormat", _("Convert GPS"), None, True,
[("Decimal", _("Decimal"), "button", self.convert2decimal),
("DMS", _("Deg. Min. Sec."), "button", self.convert2dms)],
False, 0),
# Latitude and Longitude for this image
("Latitude", _("Latitude"), None, False, [], True, 0),
("Longitude", _("Longitude"), None, False, [], True, 0) ]:
("Latitude", _("Latitude"), None, False, [], True, 0),
("Longitude", _("Longitude"), None, False, [], True, 0) ]:
pos, text, choices, readonly, callback, dirty, default = items
row = self.make_row(pos, text, choices, readonly, callback, dirty, default)
@ -388,9 +379,6 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
"Delete", False, [self.__delete_dialog], gtk.STOCK_DELETE, False))
# adds Exif Metadata Viewing Area
vbox.pack_start(view, padding =10)
return vbox
def update_has_data(self):
@ -454,15 +442,17 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
# clear Display and Edit Areas
# De-activate the buttons except for Help...
self.deactivate_buttons(["CopyTo", "Clear", "Save"])
self.deactivate_buttons(["Clear", "Save"])
self.deactivate_buttons(["Convert", "Delete"])
# Re-post initial image message...
# set Message Area to Select...
self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"].set_text(_("Select an image to begin..."))
active_handle = self.get_active("Media")
@ -501,51 +491,29 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
# display file description/ title...
self.exif_widgets["Media:Label"].set_text( _html_escape(
self.orig_image.get_description() ) )
# will create the image and read it...
# will create the plugin image and read it...
self.setup_image(self.image_path, True)
# Checks to make sure that ImageMagick is installed on this computer and
# the image is NOT a jpeg image...
# the image is NOT a (.jpeg, .jfif, .jpg) image...
basename, extension = os.path.splitext(self.image_path)
if extension not in [".jpeg", ".jpg", ".jfif"]:
# displays the imge Exif metadata
self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"].set_text(_("Choose a different image..."))
self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"].set_text(_("Please choose a different image..."))
self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"].set_text(_("Choose a different image..."))
self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"].set_text(_("Please choose a different image..."))
def __create_column(self, name, colnum, fixed =True):
will create the column for the column row...
renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(name, renderer, text =colnum)
if fixed:
return column
def __create_button(self, pos, text, callback =[], icon =False, sensitive = True):
creates and returns a button for display
@ -729,131 +697,6 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
return KeyValue
def display_exif_tags(self, obj):
once the pyexiv2.Image has been created, we display
all of the image Exif metadata...
# set has data flag...
self.set_has_data(len(self.MediaDataTags) > 0)
# Activate Clear and Save buttons...
self.activate_buttons(["Clear", "Save"])
# check to see if we got metadata from the media object?
if self.MediaDataTags:
# activate CopyTo button...
# set Message Area to Display...
self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"].set_text(_("Displaying image Exif metadata..."))
for KeyTag in self.MediaDataTags:
if LesserVersion:
label = self.plugin_image.tagDetails(KeyTag)[0]
human_value = self.plugin_image.interpretedExifValue(KeyTag)
tag = self.plugin_image[KeyTag]
label = tag.label
human_value = tag.human_value
except AttributeError:
human_value = False
if KeyTag in ("Exif.Image.DateTime",
human_value = _process_datetime(self._get_value(KeyTag))
if human_value is not False:
self.model.append((self.plugin_image, label, human_value))
def CopyTo(self, obj):
reads the image metadata after the pyexiv2.Image has been created
if LesserVersion:
imageKeyTags = [KeyTag for KeyTag in self.plugin_image.exifKeys() if KeyTag in _DATAMAP]
imageKeyTags = [KeyTag for KeyTag in self.plugin_image.exif_keys if KeyTag in _DATAMAP]
if imageKeyTags:
self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"].set_text(_("Copying Exif metadata to the Edit Area..."))
for KeyTag in imageKeyTags:
# name for matching to exif_widgets
widgetsName = _DATAMAP[KeyTag]
tagValue = self._get_value(KeyTag)
if tagValue:
if widgetsName in ["Description", "Artist", "Copyright"]:
# Original Date of the image...
elif widgetsName == "DateTime":
use_date = self._get_value(KeyTag)
use_date = _process_datetime(use_date) if use_date else False
if use_date is not False:
# Last Changed/ Modified...
elif widgetsName == "Modified":
use_date = self._get_value(KeyTag)
use_date = _process_datetime(use_date) if use_date else False
if use_date is not False:
# LatitudeRef, Latitude, LongitudeRef, Longitude...
elif widgetsName == "Latitude":
latitude = self._get_value(KeyTag)
longitude = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["Longitude"] )
# if latitude and longitude exist, display them?
if (latitude and longitude):
# split latitude metadata into (degrees, minutes, and seconds) from Rational
latdeg, latmin, latsec = rational_to_dms(latitude)
# split longitude metadata into degrees, minutes, and seconds
longdeg, longmin, longsec = rational_to_dms(longitude)
# check to see if we have valid GPS Coordinates?
latfail = any(coords == False for coords in [latdeg, latmin, latsec])
longfail = any(coords == False for coords in [longdeg, longmin, longsec])
if (not latfail and not longfail):
# Latitude Direction Reference
LatitudeRef = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["LatitudeRef"] )
# Longitude Direction Reference
LongitudeRef = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["LongitudeRef"] )
# set display for Latitude GPS Coordinates
"""%s° %s %s%s""" % (latdeg, latmin, latsec, LatitudeRef) )
# set display for Longitude GPS Coordinates
"""%s° %s %s%s""" % (longdeg, longmin, longsec, LongitudeRef) )
# enable Save button after metadata has been "Copied to Edit Area"...
# Clear the Message Area...
def clear_metadata(self, obj, cleartype = "All"):
clears all data fields to nothing
@ -863,19 +706,92 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
"All" = clears all data fields
# set Message Area text...
self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"].set_text(_("Edit area has been cleared..."))
# clear all data fields
if cleartype == "All":
for widgetsName in ["Description", "Artist", "Copyright", "DateTime",
"Latitude", "Longitude"]:
for widgetsName in ["Description", "Modified", "Artist", "Copyright",
"DateTime", "Latitude", "Longitude"]:
# clear only the date/ time field
def EditArea(self, obj):
reads the image metadata after the pyexiv2.Image has been created
# separate KeyTags into the ones that we will be using...
imageKeyTags = [KeyTag for KeyTag in self.MediaDataTags if KeyTag in _DATAMAP]
# activate Clear button...
if imageKeyTags:
# set Message Area to Copying...
self.exif_widgets["Message:Area"].set_text(_("Copying Exif metadata to the Edit Area..."))
for KeyTag in imageKeyTags:
# name for matching to exif_widgets
widgetsName = _DATAMAP[KeyTag]
tagValue = self._get_value(KeyTag)
if tagValue:
if widgetsName in ["Description", "Artist", "Copyright"]:
# Last Changed/ Modified...
elif widgetsName == "Modified":
use_date = self._get_value(KeyTag)
use_date = _process_datetime(use_date) if use_date else False
if use_date is not False:
# Original Date/ Time of this image...
elif widgetsName == "DateTime":
use_date = self._get_value(KeyTag)
use_date = _process_datetime(use_date) if use_date else False
if use_date is not False:
# LatitudeRef, Latitude, LongitudeRef, Longitude...
elif widgetsName == "Latitude":
latitude = self._get_value(KeyTag)
longitude = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["Longitude"] )
# if latitude and longitude exist, display them?
if (latitude and longitude):
# split latitude metadata into (degrees, minutes, and seconds) from Rational
latdeg, latmin, latsec = rational_to_dms(latitude)
# split longitude metadata into degrees, minutes, and seconds
longdeg, longmin, longsec = rational_to_dms(longitude)
# check to see if we have valid GPS Coordinates?
latfail = any(coords == False for coords in [latdeg, latmin, latsec])
longfail = any(coords == False for coords in [longdeg, longmin, longsec])
if (not latfail and not longfail):
# Latitude Direction Reference
LatitudeRef = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["LatitudeRef"] )
# Longitude Direction Reference
LongitudeRef = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["LongitudeRef"] )
# set display for Latitude GPS Coordinates
"""%s° %s %s%s""" % (latdeg, latmin, latsec, LatitudeRef) )
# set display for Longitude GPS Coordinates
"""%s° %s %s%s""" % (longdeg, longmin, longsec, LongitudeRef) )
def convertdelete(self):
will convert2Jpeg and delete original non-jpeg image.
@ -1102,27 +1018,33 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
# determine if there has been something entered in the data fields?
datatags = (len(self.exif_widgets["Description"].get_text() ) +
datatags = (
len(self.exif_widgets["Description"].get_text() ) +
len(self.exif_widgets["Artist"].get_text() ) +
len(self.exif_widgets["Copyright"].get_text() ) +
len(self.exif_widgets["DateTime"].get_text() )+
len(self.exif_widgets["Latitude"].get_text() ) +
len(self.exif_widgets["Longitude"].get_text() ) )
len(self.exif_widgets["Longitude"].get_text() )
# Description data field
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Description"], self.exif_widgets["Description"].get_text() )
# Description data field...
description = self.exif_widgets["Description"].get_text() or ""
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Description"], description)
# Modify Date/ Time... not a data field, but saved anyway...
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Modified"], )
modified =
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Modified"], modified)
# display modified Date/ Time
self.exif_widgets["Modified"].set_text(_format_datetime( ) )
# display modified Date/ Time...
self.exif_widgets["Modified"].set_text(_format_datetime(modified) )
# Artist/ Author data field
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Artist"], self.exif_widgets["Artist"].get_text() )
# Artist/ Author data field...
artist = self.exif_widgets["Artist"].get_text() or ""
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Artist"], artist)
# Copyright data field
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Copyright"], self.exif_widgets["Copyright"].get_text() )
# Copyright data field...
copyright = self.exif_widgets["Copyright"].get_text() or ""
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Copyright"], copyright)
# Original Date/ Time data field
DateTime = self.exif_widgets["DateTime"].get_text()
@ -1131,6 +1053,9 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
if DateTime is not False:
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["DateTime"], DateTime)
# display formatted date/ time as set in user preferences...
# Latitude/ Longitude data fields
latitude = self.exif_widgets["Latitude"].get_text()
longitude = self.exif_widgets["Longitude"].get_text()