do not need to translate PopulateSources debug tool (patch by MathieuMD), see devel mailing list

svn: r19354
This commit is contained in:
Jérôme Rapinat 2012-04-19 05:25:55 +00:00
parent 89c94a6fa4
commit f7178ecca7

View File

@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ from QuestionDialog import OkDialog
import ManagedWindow
import gen.lib
from gen.db import DbTxn
from gen.ggettext import sgettext as _
class PopulateSources(tool.Tool, ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow):
@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ class PopulateSources(tool.Tool, ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow):
def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate, options_class, name, callback=None):
self.label = _('Populate sources and citations tool')
self.label = 'Populate sources and citations tool'
ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow.__init__(self, uistate, [], self.__class__)
self.set_window(gtk.Window(), gtk.Label(), '')
tool.Tool.__init__(self, dbstate, options_class, name)
@ -67,8 +66,8 @@ class PopulateSources(tool.Tool, ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow):
if response == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT:
OkDialog(_('Data generated'),
_("The requested sources and citations were generated"))
OkDialog('Data generated',
"The requested sources and citations were generated")
@ -83,26 +82,26 @@ class PopulateSources(tool.Tool, ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow):
num_citations = self.options.handler.options_dict['citations']
# GUI setup:
dialog = gtk.Dialog(_("Populate sources and citations tool"),
dialog = gtk.Dialog("Populate sources and citations tool",
label = gtk.Label(_("Enter a valid number of sources and citations."
label = gtk.Label("Enter a valid number of sources and citations."
" This will create the requested number of sources,"
" and for each source, will create the requested"
" number of citations."))
" number of citations.")
hbox1 = gtk.HBox()
label_sources = gtk.Label(_("Number of sources") + ":")
label_sources = gtk.Label("Number of sources" + ":")
self.sources_entry = gtk.Entry()
self.sources_entry.set_text("%d" % num_sources)
hbox1.pack_start(label_sources, False)
hbox1.pack_start(self.sources_entry, True)
hbox2 = gtk.HBox()
label_citations = gtk.Label(_("Number of citations") + ":")
label_citations = gtk.Label("Number of citations" + ":")
self.citations_entry = gtk.Entry()
self.citations_entry.set_text("%d" % num_citations)
hbox2.pack_start(label_citations, False)
@ -131,8 +130,8 @@ class PopulateSources(tool.Tool, ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow):
num_citations = int(num_citations_text)
self.progress = ProgressMeter(
_('Generating data'), '')
self.progress.set_pass(_('Generating data'),
'Generating data', '')
self.progress.set_pass('Generating data',
LOG.debug("sources %04d citations %04d" % (num_sources,