...New FanChart consisting of both ascendants and descendants. It can be checked-out there : https://sourceforge.net/u/bubblegum00/gramps/ci/geps/gep-030-FanChart2Way/~/tree/ <snip> I find it quite handy, so please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. NB: I heavily cleaned up the FanChart code on my way. Regards, Bastien Jacquet https://sourceforge.net/p/gramps/mailman/message/32908110/ ........................................................ Refactor fanchart for further modification Fix radial text pos_start radian alignment Simplify father's and mother's details getter Rename draw_gradient to draw_gradient_legend refactor prepare_background_box Add option not to flip names Add a display_format(self, person, num) function as proposed by Benny Malengier on 2012-12-13 It just returns name_display.name_formats[num][_F_FN](person.get_primary_name()) Add option to show the name on two lines Allow for variable radius depending on generation Switch to WORD_CHAR wrapping of name (ie word, and char if 0-length word) Move rescaling tentative inside wrap_truncate_layout Fix person_under_cursor bugs Refactor root angle computation Refactor code positionning the fan Refactor personpos_at_angle move implementation of person_under_cursor outside of FanChartBaseWidget class Change draw_person to take angles in radians Use same structure for innerring as for outerring Uses cursor_to_polar and cursor_on_tranlation_dot Slightly change person_under_cursor logic to return an "address" in the fan Uses radian_in_bounds to compare angles modulo 2 PI Fixup test on cursor over inner ring Fix Center size for FanchartDesc Fixup fanchart check up to last generation Give same signature to draw_person Refactor the common code of self.draw_person in a single function in Base class Fix center box comment Refactoring inside celladdress Remove manual central box drawing since done with draw_person Fixup draw_person color for duplicates Use draw_person for central person too Make __compute_angle and __rec_fill_data public for use in FanChart2Way Add 2Way View Rewrite create_map_rect_to_sector to allow bottom-outside-oriented text-arc Allow to automatically right upside-up bottom arc-text Correct icons for Fanchart2Way Small code refactoring Refactor code of fanchartdesc to use self.rootangle_rad Rename change_slice to toggle_cell_state Fanchart2Way code formating and changes Small refactoring of fanchartdesc innerring fill data Remove the name from the local temporary data structure Remove the name from the local temporary data structure (in Fanchart2Way) Change background gradient to follow the user-selected gradient colors rename parentsroot to innerring Some renaming for clearer code Show last generation of partners in descendant fanchart Show last partner in Fanchart2Way Fanchart2Way : Add option to disable gradient on the background Fixup flipupsidedownname parameter for gramplet usage of fancharts Fixup twolinename parameter for gramplet usage of fancharts Add FanChart2Way in available gramplets Tentative fix for last view on Fanchart2Way Show step-sibling in Fancharts context-menu Fix overestimation of descendant halfdist (SM) Trailing White spaces removed (SM) Fix config box Table Grid (SM) Move Icons gramps-fanchart2way to new location (SM) Add Copyright for Bastien Jacquet (SM) Fix BSDDB AttributeError NoneType object has no attr (SM) Update patch to account for bug 9771; fix missing right-click menu items (Nick Hall/eno93) Fix set_text method takes the length of the utf-8, not the length of the unicode as the second parameter ((Gramps.py:3697): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text())
The Gramps Project ( https://gramps-project.org ) 

We strive to produce a genealogy program that is both intuitive for hobbyists and feature-complete for professional genealogists.
Please read the COPYING file first.
Please read the INSTALL file if you intend to build from source.
The following packages MUST be installed in order for Gramps to work:
- Python 3.2 or greater - The programming language used by Gramps. https://www.python.org/
- GTK 3.10 or greater - A cross-platform widget toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. http://www.gtk.org/
- pygobject 3.12 or greater - Python Bindings for GLib/GObject/GIO/GTK+ https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/PyGObject
The following three packages with GObject Introspection bindings (the gi packages)
cairo - a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. http://cairographics.org/
pango - a library for laying out and rendering of text, with an emphasis on internationalization. http://www.pango.org/
pangocairo - Allows you to use Pango with Cairo http://www.pango.org/
librsvg2 - (SVG icon view) a library to render SVG files using cairo. http://live.gnome.org/LibRsvg
xdg-utils - Desktop integration utilities from freedesktop.org
bsddb3 - Python bindings for Oracle Berkeley DB https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bsddb3/
The following package is needed for full translation of the interface to your language:
- language-pack-gnome-xx
Translation of GTK elements to your language, with xx your language code; e.g. for Dutch you need language-pack-gnome-nl. The translation of the Gramps strings is included with the gramps source.
The following packages are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to be installed:
- osmgpsmap
Used to show maps in the geography view. It may be osmgpsmap, osm-gps-map, or python-osmgpsmap, but the Python bindings for this must also be present. Without this the GeoView will not be active, see https://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Gramps_4.2_Wiki_Manual_-_Categories#Geography_Category
Enable creation of graphs using Graphviz engine. Without this, three reports cannot be run. Obtain it from: http://www.graphviz.org
Improves localised sorting in Gramps. In particular, this applies to sorting in the various views and in the Narrative Web output. It is particularly helpful for non-Latin characters, for non-English locales and on MS Windows and Mac OS X platforms. If it is not available, sorting is done through built-in libraries. PyICU is fairly widely available through the package managers of distributions. See http://pyicu.osafoundation.org/ (These are Python bindings for the ICU package. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyICU/)
The following packages are optional:
- gtkspell
Enable spell checking in the notes. Gtkspell depends on enchant. A version of gtkspell with gobject introspection is needed, so minimally version 3.0.0
- rcs
The GNU Revision Control System (RCS) can be used to manage multiple revisions of your family trees. See info at https://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Gramps_4.2_Wiki_Manual_-_Manage_Family_Trees#Archiving_a_Family_Tree Only rcs is needed, NO python bindings are required
Python Image Library is needed to crop images and also to convert non-JPG images to JPG so as to include them in LaTeX output. (For Python3 a different source may be needed, python-imaging or python-pillow or python3-pillow)
- GExiv2
Enables Gramps to manage Exif metadata embedded in your media. Gramps needs version 0.5 or greater. See https://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=GEPS_029:_GTK3-GObject_introspection_Conversion#GExiv2_for_Image_metadata
- ttf-freefont
More font support in the reports
Optional packages required by Third-party Addons
Third-party Addons are written by users and developers and unless stated are not officially part of Gramps. For more information about Addons see: https://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Third-party_Plugins
Prerequistes required for the following Addons to work:
Family Sheet - Requires: PIL (Python Imaging Library) or PILLOW. ( https://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Family_Sheet )
Graph View - Requires: PyGoocanvas and Goocanvas. ( https://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Graph_View )
PedigreeChart - Can optionally use - numpy if installed ( https://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=PedigreeChart )
No longer needed:
Since Gramps 4.2: gir-webkit
Since Gramps 4.0: pygoocanvas, pygtk, pyexiv2
Since Gramps 3.3: python-enchant Enchant
Since Gramps 3.2: python glade bindings
Since Gramps 3.1: yelp - Gnome help browser. No offline help is shipped see Gramps website for User manual
The User Manual is maintained on the Gramps website: