Пул переводов

This commit is contained in:
ErickSkrauch 2017-08-09 01:04:59 +03:00
parent a19c96a1c0
commit 6694ac3b55
9 changed files with 46 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -145,9 +145,9 @@
"pages.404.returnToTheHomePage": "Спрабуйце вярнуцца на {link}",
"pages.404.title": "Старонка не знойдзена",
"pages.auth.applicationAuth": "Application authorization",
"pages.auth.authorizationForAppSuccessful": "Authorization for {appName} has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.authorizationSuccessful": "Authorization has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.title": "Authorization successful",
"pages.auth.authorizationForAppSuccessful": "Аўтарызацыя для {appName} была паспяхова выканана.",
"pages.auth.authorizationSuccessful": "Аўтарызацыя была паспяхова выканана.",
"pages.auth.title": "Паспяховая аўтарызацыя",
"pages.auth.youCanCloseThisPage": "You can close this window and return to your application.",
"pages.root.siteName": "Ёly.by",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService": "{name} як сэрвіс",

View File

@ -144,6 +144,11 @@
"pages.404.nothingHere": "Ce n'est pas un endroit que vous devriez chercher",
"pages.404.returnToTheHomePage": "Essayer de retourner à la {link}",
"pages.404.title": "Page non trouvée",
"pages.auth.applicationAuth": "Autorisation de l'application",
"pages.auth.authorizationForAppSuccessful": "L'autorisation pour {appName} a été complété avec succès.",
"pages.auth.authorizationSuccessful": "L'autorisation a été complété avec succès.",
"pages.auth.title": "Autorisation réussie",
"pages.auth.youCanCloseThisPage": "Vous pouvez fermer cette fenêtre et retourner à votre application.",
"pages.root.siteName": "Ely.by",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService": "Comme le service {name}",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService1": "Nous n'avons aucune garantie quant au temps de travail sans faute de ce service.",

View File

@ -144,6 +144,11 @@
"pages.404.nothingHere": "Ini bukan tempat yang anda cari",
"pages.404.returnToTheHomePage": "Cobalah untuk kembali ke {link}",
"pages.404.title": "Halaman tidak ditemukan",
"pages.auth.applicationAuth": "Application authorization",
"pages.auth.authorizationForAppSuccessful": "Authorization for {appName} has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.authorizationSuccessful": "Authorization has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.title": "Authorization successful",
"pages.auth.youCanCloseThisPage": "You can close this window and return to your application.",
"pages.root.siteName": "Ely.by",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService": "{name} sebagai pelayanan",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService1": "Kami tidak memiliki jaminan apapun tentang kesalahan waktu kerja bebas dari layanan ini.",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"be": {
"name": "Беларуская",
"progress": 100,
"progress": 99,
"isReleased": true
"en": {
@ -16,22 +16,22 @@
"id": {
"name": "Bahasa Indonesia",
"progress": 100,
"progress": 97.5,
"isReleased": true
"pl": {
"name": "Polski",
"progress": 99.5,
"progress": 97,
"isReleased": false
"pt": {
"name": "Português",
"progress": 100,
"progress": 97.5,
"isReleased": true
"ro": {
"name": "Română",
"progress": 99.5,
"progress": 97,
"isReleased": false
"ru": {
@ -41,17 +41,17 @@
"sl": {
"name": "Slovenščina",
"progress": 100,
"progress": 97.5,
"isReleased": false
"uk": {
"name": "Українська",
"progress": 100,
"progress": 97.5,
"isReleased": true
"vi": {
"name": "Tiếng Việt",
"progress": 100,
"progress": 97.5,
"isReleased": true

View File

@ -144,6 +144,11 @@
"pages.404.nothingHere": "To nie jest miejsce, którego szukasz",
"pages.404.returnToTheHomePage": "Spróbuj wrócić do {link}",
"pages.404.title": "Strona nie znaleziona",
"pages.auth.applicationAuth": "Application authorization",
"pages.auth.authorizationForAppSuccessful": "Authorization for {appName} has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.authorizationSuccessful": "Authorization has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.title": "Authorization successful",
"pages.auth.youCanCloseThisPage": "You can close this window and return to your application.",
"pages.root.siteName": "Ely.by",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService": "{name} jako usługa",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService1": "Nie mamy gwarancji o czasie wolnym od błędów w tej usłudze.",

View File

@ -144,6 +144,11 @@
"pages.404.nothingHere": "Nu e locul pe care il cauti",
"pages.404.returnToTheHomePage": "Incearca sa mergi inapoi la {link}",
"pages.404.title": "Pagina nu a fost gasita",
"pages.auth.applicationAuth": "Application authorization",
"pages.auth.authorizationForAppSuccessful": "Authorization for {appName} has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.authorizationSuccessful": "Authorization has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.title": "Authorization successful",
"pages.auth.youCanCloseThisPage": "You can close this window and return to your application.",
"pages.root.siteName": "Ely.by",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService": "{name} ca serviciu",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService1": "Nu avem nici o garanție cu privire la timpul de lucru fără defecte al acestui serviciu.",

View File

@ -144,11 +144,11 @@
"pages.404.nothingHere": "Что бы вы не искали, это не здесь.",
"pages.404.returnToTheHomePage": "Попробуйте вернуться на {link}",
"pages.404.title": "Страница не найдена",
"pages.auth.applicationAuth": "Application authorization",
"pages.auth.authorizationForAppSuccessful": "Authorization for {appName} has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.authorizationSuccessful": "Authorization has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.title": "Authorization successful",
"pages.auth.youCanCloseThisPage": "You can close this window and return to your application.",
"pages.auth.applicationAuth": "Авторизация приложения",
"pages.auth.authorizationForAppSuccessful": "Авторизация для {appName} была успешно выполнена.",
"pages.auth.authorizationSuccessful": "Авторизация была успешно завершена.",
"pages.auth.title": "Успешная авторизация",
"pages.auth.youCanCloseThisPage": "Вы можете закрыть это окно и вернуться в ваше приложение.",
"pages.root.siteName": "Ely.by",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService": "{name} как сервис",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService1": "Мы не гарантируем какой-либо процент времени бесперебойной работы этого сервиса.",

View File

@ -144,6 +144,11 @@
"pages.404.nothingHere": "To ni mesto, ki ga iščeš",
"pages.404.returnToTheHomePage": "Poskusi iti nazaj na {link}",
"pages.404.title": "Stran ne obstaja",
"pages.auth.applicationAuth": "Application authorization",
"pages.auth.authorizationForAppSuccessful": "Authorization for {appName} has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.authorizationSuccessful": "Authorization has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.title": "Authorization successful",
"pages.auth.youCanCloseThisPage": "You can close this window and return to your application.",
"pages.root.siteName": "Ely.by",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService": "{name} storitve",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService1": "Nimamo nobene garancije glede napak, dokler storitev deluje.",

View File

@ -144,6 +144,11 @@
"pages.404.nothingHere": "Đây không phải địa chỉ bạn đang tìm",
"pages.404.returnToTheHomePage": "Thử quay lại {link}",
"pages.404.title": "Trang không tìm thấy",
"pages.auth.applicationAuth": "Application authorization",
"pages.auth.authorizationForAppSuccessful": "Authorization for {appName} has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.authorizationSuccessful": "Authorization has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.title": "Authorization successful",
"pages.auth.youCanCloseThisPage": "You can close this window and return to your application.",
"pages.root.siteName": "Ely.by",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService": "{name} làm dịch vụ",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService1": "Chúng tôi không thể bảo đảm về việc làm việc mà không rủi ro vào thời gian này.",