When top originally responded to the potential libnuma stderr write, the library was consistently called with each refresh cycle. That, in turn, guaranteed that any warning message would be seen at program end by virtue of: 1) having been issued before the 2nd refresh cycle and; 2) benefiting from inherited /dev/null buffering. A later efficiency refactor meant the numa library may not always be called with every refresh cycle. Rather, it was only called if top was in one of two numa views (the '2' or '3' toggles). That, in turn, resulted in a loss of any warning message at program end unless numa mode had been preserved in the rcfile. In other words, if top was started normally then a single cycle stderr redirect would have long passed by the time the '2' or '3' toggle was activated. The warning message actually was spewed but quickly lost to the full screen refresh which follows all keyboard interactions with the user. This commit simply moves the restoration of our stderr redirect to program end (instead of that first display refresh). Now, any libnuma stderr warning message will appear as the concluding output line upon quitting top without regard to when any numa mode view was invoked. And since this technique might be useful in some other context (as an example of how to 'buffer' stderr) it's been generalized with its own #define. But to maximize its usefulness, the original redirect should be issued much earlier in pgm startup than top has chosen to do. Reference(s): . original libnuma stderr response (msg seen) commit 35dc6dcc49cc9cf8cff4300cb03a38dbe44c05db . numa refractoring for efficiency (msg lost) commit f12c0d5c6e84f9409ac3a73c066841a8ff5aab0b Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
COMPATIBILITY This code is intended for use with Linux 2.6.xx, 3.x and hopefully all future kernels. INSTALLATION If you are using git version of the project you need extra step. ./autogen.sh After that, and everyone using .tar.xz version of procps-ng, can do normal build. Read './configure --help' to select options for your needs. ./configure make make install If you have DejaGNU installed you can run optional test suite. make check HOW TO CONTRIBUTE See Documentation/BUGS file. PACKAGING If you are a downstream maintainer (packager) for a Linux distribution, please avoid causing troubles. This section applies to you. Avoid maintaining distribution specific patches. Send your patches to upstream, where they are at least reviewed, if not included. Please forward bug reports. If your bug database is public and busy enough to bother with, please make this known. Follow Debian's lead in making the bug database easy to comment on via email without need for an account. For normal packages, ensure that you do not add debugging flags to the CFLAGS variable. UPSTREAM & BUG REPORTS procps-ng <procps@freelists.org>
Command line and full screen utilities for browsing procfs, a "pseudo" file system dynamically generated by Linux to provide information about the status of entries in its process table.