Remove unused files

Signed-off-by: Joachim Nilsson <>
This commit is contained in:
Joachim Nilsson 2019-11-03 21:13:20 +01:00
parent eb37e7a20c
commit 024dde00c2
4 changed files with 0 additions and 320 deletions

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@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
On behalf of the beta-testers and other members of the Linux INTERNET
community who have helped shape and debug this package I am pleased to
announce version 1.3-pl3 of the sysklogd package.
This package implements two system log daemons. The syslogd daemon is
an enhanced version of the standard Berkeley utility program. This
daemon is responsible for providing logging of messages received from
programs and facilities on the local host as well as from remote
hosts. The klogd daemon listens to kernel message sources and is
responsible for prioritizing and processing operating system
messages. The klogd daemon can run as a client of syslogd or
optionally as a standalone program.
This package is the culmination of about two years of experience and
bug reports on the 1.2 version from both the INTERNET and our
corporate Linux networks. The utilities in this package should provide
VERY reliable system logging. Klogd and syslogd have both been stress
tested in kernel development environments where literally hundreds of
megabytes of kernel messages have been blasted through them. If either
utility should fail I would appreciate a report and debug information
so that the bug can be reproduced and squashed.
This package includes some major improvements. Some of them are listed
* klogd supports on-the-fly kernel address to symbol
translations. This requires that a valid kernel symbol map be
found at execution.
* klogd also supports debugging of protection faults which occur
in kernel loadable modules.
* syslogd has better handling of remote logging capabilities.
* both klogd and syslogd can be controlled through commandline
options and signals.
* both daemons are now FSSTND conform.
* a syslog.conf(5) manpage is now available.
* Spaces are now accepted in the syslog configuration
file. This should be a real crowd pleaser.
* Syslogd now uses dynamic allocation of logging output
descriptors. There is no longer a static limit on the number
of log destinations that can be defined.
* Numerous bug fixes and code cleanups.
The new release can be obtained from either or
Thanks again to everyone who has contributed ideas, patches and bug
reports. Linux has a superior set of logging utilities thanks to
contributions from the entire community.
Dr. Greg Wettstein
Oncology Research Division Computing Facility
Roger Maris Cancer Center

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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
1.) READ the README.linux file and the accompanying man pages. It will
save you some frustration.
2.) Edit the Makefile for your installation. NOTE that if you have not
carried out step 1 you may make choices which could render your
system and/or these utilities unusable. Compile the utilities.
Compilation has been tested with versions 2.5.8, 2.6.3 and 2.7.0 of
the gcc compiler and libc versions 4.5.26 and 4.6.27.
3.) For proper functioning both of these utilities are best run as root.
This is probably not much of a problem since they will probably be
started either by init or as part of the rc.* startup process. There
may be security concerns with running syslogd as root. Please repeat
step 1 if you are unsure of why this may be the case.
4.) If kernel address to symbol translation is desired there is the
possibility that a new kernel will need to be compiled. The patches
to delimit kernel addresses requiring translation were added to
kernel 1.3.43. If this kernel or a newer kernel is used there is
no need to modify the kernel sources.
If a kernel earlier than this is used the kernel sources will have to
be patched. The patch to delimit addresses for translation is included
with the sysklogd sources. The necessary modifications are quite
generic and should require little modification over a wide range of
kernel sources.

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@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
Version 1.3 Patch Level 3
General. ------------------------------------------------------------------
Update to documentation including klogd.8 manpage to reflect new features.
Included patch for modules-2.0.0 package to provide support for signalling
klogd of changes in kernel module status.
klogd ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Provided support for signalling klogd to reload static and kernel module
symbol information via SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2.
Implemented -p switch to cause a reload of kernel module symbol information
whenever a protection fault is detected.
Informative message is printed whenever klogd state change occurs.
Added -i and -I switches to signal the currently executing klogd daemon
to reload symbold information.
Version 1.3 Patch Level 2
General. ------------------------------------------------------------------
Added oops.c and oops_test.c. Oops.c implements a kernel loadable module
which will generate a general protection fault. The oops_test.c program
generates a test program for exercising the loadable module.
syslogd ------------------------------------------------------------------
Fixed bug resulting in file descriptors being orphaned when syslogd was
initialized via signal handler.
klogd ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Bug fix to prevent errors when reading symbol tables with 64 bit addresses.
Added support for debugging of protection faults occuring in kernel
loadable modules.
Version 1.3 Patch Level 1
General. ------------------------------------------------------------------
Cleanups in the Makefile.
Patches to support compilation in the ALPHA environment. I have not
been able to test these personally so if anyone has any feedback I
would be interested in hearing from the Linux ALPHA community.
Spelling and grammar corrections in the man pages.
syslogd ------------------------------------------------------------------
Patch to fix parsing of hostnames in syslogd.c.
The return value of gethostbyname is now properly checked. This should
fix the problems with core dumps when name resolution failed.
Bounds error fixed when setting the file descriptors for UNIX domain
klogd ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Error checking and reporting enhanced. I have a couple of reports
that klogd is experiencing errors when reading the /proc filesystem.
Any additional information would be appreciated.
The sys_syslog function has been renamed to ksyslog. This was in a
set patches for ALPHA support so I am assuming that this is necessary
for that environment
Version 1.3
Numerous changes, performance enhancements, code cleanups and bug fixes.
Too many to individually summarize. Have a look at the top of each
source file for more information.
** Default behavior of sysklogd is not to accept any message that
is sent via syslog/udp. To allow remote reception add -r to the
command-line arguments.
** Spaces are now accepted in the syslog configuration file. This
should be a real crowd pleaser.
syslogd now uses dynamic allocation of logging output descriptors.
There is no longer a static limit on the number of log destinations
that can be defined.
klogd supports on-the-fly kernel address to symbol translations.
This requires that a valid kernel symbol map be found at execution.
** The default level for console log messages was changed to 6. This
means that kernel messages with a priority less than or equal to 5
(KERN_NOTICE) will be logged to the console.
This item has been flagged because it results in a behavior
change which will be different if version 1.3 replaces an
existing 1.2 binary. Linus strongly suggested that this
behavior be changed and in the 1.3.3x kernels Linus in fact
made it impossible to set the console log level lower than
about 5.
There were good reasons from his perspective for doing so.
The most troublesome being that user's of packaged
distributions were not able to generate register dumps with
the kernel debugging keys, most notably altgr-SCRLCK.
If a kernels prior to 1.3.3x are being used the klogd daemon
invocation must be changed to something like: klogd -c 1
This will turn off logging of kernel messages to the console.
If you understand the ramifications of this the 1.3.3x kernels
can be patched to allow the suppression of console log
messages. It is important to be cognizant of the effects of
these changes. None the least of which is that Linus and Alan
will yell at you if you complain about not being able to
generate kernel debugging information.. :-)
Version 1.2
Fixes to both klogd and syslogd so that the package will compile without
errors due to the vararg procedures.
Modified pid files produced so that the names of the files are and respectively.
Fixed bug in klogd which prevented output from being directed to a file
when the program was compiled to auto-background itself. In the
auto-backgrounding configuration the forked process was closing all its
file descriptors which was causing the errant behavior.
Modified signal handling in klogd so that all signal are set to ignored
before establishing specific signal handlers.
Fixed bug in syslogd which was causing a delay in opening of the /dev/log
UNIX domain socket. This should correct the race condition which was
preventing klogd from properly logging kernel messages when the two
daemons were started in rapid succession.
Modified the closing/opening of file descriptors when syslogd was
compiled with auto-backgrounding support. Closes the potential for
a somewhat obscure bug caused by the /dev/log socket being opened on
fd 0.
Changed the names of the man pages from an extension of 1 to 8.
Version 1.1
Extensive changes and additional functionality added to klogd. Please
see sources and man-pages for documentation.
Fixed bugs in both syslogd and klogd with respect to fragmented
message re-assembly. Bootup messages should now be display properly.
Fixed bug in syslogd which prevented proper logging of messages with
priority classes of none and emerg.
Fixed bug which caused core dump when messages were logged to users.
Also fixed bug with messages to login type of LOGIN.
Fixed problem with zombies being left when messages were logged to
multiple users.
Enhanced functionality of syslog_tst program.
Added man-pages.
Version 1.0
Initial release.

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@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
A virgin copy of these sources should include 12 files:
MANIFEST: This file.
INSTALL: Brief installation instructions.
NEWS: Important changes.
Makefile: A makefile to generate the binaries.
README.linux: Documentation which may prove useful.
klogd.c: Source code for the kernel log daemon.
klogd.h: Global definitions required for the kernel log daemon.
ksym.c: Source module for the kernel log daemon which implements
kernel numeric address to symbol translations.
ksym_mod.c: Source module which contains functions which allow ksym.c
to resolve symbols found in loadable kernel modules.
syslogd.c: Source code for the system log daemon.
syslog.c: A slightly modified version of the syslog.c file found in
the standard libraries. This special version is needed
so that klogd will pass messages with kernel priority to
the syslogd facility.
pidfile.c: Source implementing utility functions which are useful
for managing pid files. Used by both syslogd and klogd.
pidfile.h: Include file containing global definitions for the
pid file utility functions.
version.h: An include file for setting the version and patchlevel
for the package.
syslog.conf: A sample configuration file. Note that this file uses
extensions to the BSD syntax. See the syslog.conf(5)
manpage for more details.
syslog_tst.c: A simple program to test the system log utility.
sysklogd.8: Man page documenting the general characteristics of this
klogd.8: Man page documenting the kernel log daemon.
kernel.patch: A source code patch which modifies the linux kernel to
delimit addresses for symbolic translation by klogd.
oops.c: C source for a loadable kernel module which can be used
to generate a kernel protection fault. This is used to
test the address resolution capabilities of klogd.
oops_test.c: A small driver program used in conjunction with the oops
module to generate a kernel protection fault.
modules.patch: A patch to the modules-2.0.0 package which provides for
automatic signalling of klogd whenever the kernel module
state changes.