[thin_check (rust)] output complete node paths with errors.
This can be used with thin_explore
This commit is contained in:
@ -265,7 +265,8 @@ fn read_node_header(engine: &dyn IoEngine, loc: u64) -> Result<btree::NodeHeader
fn read_node<V: Unpack>(engine: &dyn IoEngine, loc: u64) -> Result<btree::Node<V>> {
let b = engine.read(loc)?;
btree::unpack_node(&b.get_data(), true, false)
let path = Vec::new();
btree::unpack_node(&path, &b.get_data(), true, false)
.map_err(|_| anyhow!("couldn't unpack btree node"))
@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ fn test_split_range() {
fn split_one(kr: &KeyRange, k: u64) -> Result<(KeyRange, KeyRange)> {
fn split_one(path: &Vec<u64>, kr: &KeyRange, k: u64) -> Result<(KeyRange, KeyRange)> {
match kr.split(k) {
None => {
return Err(node_err(&format!(
return Err(node_err(path, &format!(
"couldn't split key range {} at {}",
kr, k
@ -188,11 +188,11 @@ fn split_one(kr: &KeyRange, k: u64) -> Result<(KeyRange, KeyRange)> {
fn split_key_ranges_(kr: &KeyRange, keys: &[u64]) -> Result<Vec<KeyRange>> {
fn split_key_ranges_(path: &Vec<u64>, kr: &KeyRange, keys: &[u64]) -> Result<Vec<KeyRange>> {
let mut krs = Vec::with_capacity(keys.len());
if keys.len() == 0 {
return Err(node_err("split_key_ranges: no keys present"));
return Err(node_err(path, "split_key_ranges: no keys present"));
// The first key gives the lower bound
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ fn split_key_ranges_(kr: &KeyRange, keys: &[u64]) -> Result<Vec<KeyRange>> {
for i in 1..keys.len() {
let (first, rest) = split_one(&kr, keys[i])?;
let (first, rest) = split_one(path, &kr, keys[i])?;
kr = rest;
@ -212,9 +212,9 @@ fn split_key_ranges_(kr: &KeyRange, keys: &[u64]) -> Result<Vec<KeyRange>> {
fn split_key_ranges(kr: &KeyRange, keys: &[u64]) -> Result<Vec<KeyRange>> {
fn split_key_ranges(path: &Vec<u64>, kr: &KeyRange, keys: &[u64]) -> Result<Vec<KeyRange>> {
let msg = format!("split: {:?} at {:?}", &kr, &keys);
let r = split_key_ranges_(kr, keys);
let r = split_key_ranges_(path, kr, keys);
if r.is_err() {
eprintln!("{} -> {:?}", msg, &r);
@ -244,55 +244,36 @@ pub enum BTreeError {
// #[error("{0:?}, {1}")]
Path(u64, Box<BTreeError>),
fn extract_path(e: &BTreeError) -> (Vec<u64>, BTreeError) {
let mut path = Vec::new();
let mut e = e;
loop {
match e {
BTreeError::Path(b, next) => {
e = next.as_ref();
_ => return (path, e.clone()),
Path(Vec<u64>, Box<BTreeError>),
impl fmt::Display for BTreeError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let (path, e) = extract_path(self);
match e {
BTreeError::IoError => write!(f, "io error, path{:?}", path),
BTreeError::NodeError(msg) => write!(f, "node error: {}, path{:?}", msg, path),
BTreeError::ValueError(msg) => write!(f, "value error: {}, path{:?}", msg, path),
BTreeError::KeyContext(kr, be) => {
write!(f, "{}, effecting keys {}, path{:?}", be, kr, path)
match self {
BTreeError::IoError => write!(f, "io error"),
BTreeError::NodeError(msg) => write!(f, "node error: {}", msg),
BTreeError::ValueError(msg) => write!(f, "value error: {}", msg),
BTreeError::KeyContext(kr, be) => write!(f, "{}, effecting keys {}", be, kr),
BTreeError::Aggregate(errs) => {
for e in errs {
write!(f, "{}", e)?
// Can't happen
BTreeError::Path(_, e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
BTreeError::Path(path, e) => write!(f, "{} @{:?}", e, path),
pub fn node_err(msg: &str) -> BTreeError {
pub fn node_err(path: &Vec<u64>, msg: &str) -> BTreeError {
BTreeError::Path(path.clone(), Box::new(BTreeError::NodeError(msg.to_string())))
fn node_err_s(msg: String) -> BTreeError {
fn node_err_s(path: &Vec<u64>, msg: String) -> BTreeError {
BTreeError::Path(path.clone(), Box::new(BTreeError::NodeError(msg)))
pub fn io_err() -> BTreeError {
pub fn io_err(path: &Vec<u64>) -> BTreeError {
BTreeError::Path(path.clone(), Box::new(BTreeError::IoError))
pub fn value_err(msg: String) -> BTreeError {
@ -377,15 +358,16 @@ impl<V: Unpack> Node<V> {
pub fn convert_result<'a, V>(r: IResult<&'a [u8], V>) -> Result<(&'a [u8], V)> {
r.map_err(|_e| node_err("parse error"))
pub fn convert_result<'a, V>(path: &Vec<u64>, r: IResult<&'a [u8], V>) -> Result<(&'a [u8], V)> {
r.map_err(|_e| node_err(path, "parse error"))
pub fn convert_io_err<V>(r: std::io::Result<V>) -> Result<V> {
r.map_err(|_| io_err())
pub fn convert_io_err<V>(path: &Vec<u64>, r: std::io::Result<V>) -> Result<V> {
r.map_err(|_| io_err(path))
pub fn unpack_node<V: Unpack>(
path: &Vec<u64>,
data: &[u8],
ignore_non_fatal: bool,
is_root: bool,
@ -393,10 +375,10 @@ pub fn unpack_node<V: Unpack>(
use nom::multi::count;
let (i, header) =
NodeHeader::unpack(data).map_err(|_e| node_err("couldn't parse node header"))?;
NodeHeader::unpack(data).map_err(|_e| node_err(path, "couldn't parse node header"))?;
if header.is_leaf && header.value_size != V::disk_size() {
return Err(node_err_s(format!(
return Err(node_err_s(path, format!(
"value_size mismatch: expected {}, was {}",
@ -405,25 +387,25 @@ pub fn unpack_node<V: Unpack>(
let elt_size = header.value_size + 8;
if elt_size as usize * header.max_entries as usize + NODE_HEADER_SIZE > BLOCK_SIZE {
return Err(node_err_s(format!(
return Err(node_err_s(path, format!(
"max_entries is too large ({})",
if header.nr_entries > header.max_entries {
return Err(node_err("nr_entries > max_entries"));
return Err(node_err(path, "nr_entries > max_entries"));
if !ignore_non_fatal {
if header.max_entries % 3 != 0 {
return Err(node_err("max_entries is not divisible by 3"));
return Err(node_err(path, "max_entries is not divisible by 3"));
if !is_root {
let min = header.max_entries / 3;
if header.nr_entries < min {
return Err(node_err_s(format!(
return Err(node_err_s(path, format!(
"too few entries {}, expected at least {}",
header.nr_entries, min
@ -431,13 +413,13 @@ pub fn unpack_node<V: Unpack>(
let (i, keys) = convert_result(count(le_u64, header.nr_entries as usize)(i))?;
let (i, keys) = convert_result(path, count(le_u64, header.nr_entries as usize)(i))?;
let mut last = None;
for k in &keys {
if let Some(l) = last {
if k <= l {
return Err(node_err("keys out of order"));
return Err(node_err(path, "keys out of order"));
@ -445,10 +427,10 @@ pub fn unpack_node<V: Unpack>(
let nr_free = header.max_entries - header.nr_entries;
let (i, _padding) = convert_result(count(le_u64, nr_free as usize)(i))?;
let (i, _padding) = convert_result(path, count(le_u64, nr_free as usize)(i))?;
if header.is_leaf {
let (_i, values) = convert_result(count(V::unpack, header.nr_entries as usize)(i))?;
let (_i, values) = convert_result(path, count(V::unpack, header.nr_entries as usize)(i))?;
Ok(Node::Leaf {
@ -456,7 +438,7 @@ pub fn unpack_node<V: Unpack>(
} else {
let (_i, values) = convert_result(count(le_u64, header.nr_entries as usize)(i))?;
let (_i, values) = convert_result(path, count(le_u64, header.nr_entries as usize)(i))?;
Ok(Node::Internal {
@ -469,7 +451,7 @@ pub fn unpack_node<V: Unpack>(
pub trait NodeVisitor<V: Unpack> {
// &self is deliberately non mut to allow the walker to use multiple threads.
fn visit(&self, keys: &KeyRange, header: &NodeHeader, keys: &[u64], values: &[V])
fn visit(&self, path: &Vec<u64>, keys: &KeyRange, header: &NodeHeader, keys: &[u64], values: &[V])
-> Result<()>;
@ -549,7 +531,13 @@ impl BTreeWalker {
fn walk_nodes<NV, V>(&self, visitor: &NV, kr: &[KeyRange], bs: &[u64]) -> Vec<BTreeError>
fn walk_nodes<NV, V>(
path: &mut Vec<u64>,
visitor: &NV,
kr: &[KeyRange],
bs: &[u64],
) -> Vec<BTreeError>
NV: NodeVisitor<V>,
V: Unpack,
@ -579,7 +567,7 @@ impl BTreeWalker {
Err(_) => {
// IO completely failed, error every block
for (i, b) in blocks.iter().enumerate() {
let e = io_err().keys_context(&kr[i]);
let e = io_err(path).keys_context(&kr[i]);
self.set_fail(*b, e);
@ -589,11 +577,11 @@ impl BTreeWalker {
for rb in rblocks {
match rb {
Err(_) => {
let e = io_err().keys_context(&kr[i]);
let e = io_err(path).keys_context(&kr[i]);
self.set_fail(blocks[i], e);
Ok(b) => match self.walk_node(visitor, &kr[i], &b, false) {
Ok(b) => match self.walk_node(path, visitor, &kr[i], &b, false) {
Err(e) => {
@ -609,7 +597,14 @@ impl BTreeWalker {
fn walk_node_<NV, V>(&self, visitor: &NV, kr: &KeyRange, b: &Block, is_root: bool) -> Result<()>
fn walk_node_<NV, V>(
path: &mut Vec<u64>,
visitor: &NV,
kr: &KeyRange,
b: &Block,
is_root: bool,
) -> Result<()>
NV: NodeVisitor<V>,
V: Unpack,
@ -619,17 +614,17 @@ impl BTreeWalker {
let bt = checksum::metadata_block_type(b.get_data());
if bt != checksum::BT::NODE {
return Err(
node_err_s(format!("checksum failed for node {}, {:?}", b.loc, bt))
node_err_s(path, format!("checksum failed for node {}, {:?}", b.loc, bt))
let node = unpack_node::<V>(&b.get_data(), self.ignore_non_fatal, is_root)?;
let node = unpack_node::<V>(path, &b.get_data(), self.ignore_non_fatal, is_root)?;
match node {
Internal { keys, values, .. } => {
let krs = split_key_ranges(&kr, &keys)?;
let errs = self.walk_nodes(visitor, &krs, &values);
let krs = split_key_ranges(path, &kr, &keys)?;
let errs = self.walk_nodes(path, visitor, &krs, &values);
return self.build_aggregate(b.loc, errs);
Leaf {
@ -637,7 +632,8 @@ impl BTreeWalker {
} => {
if let Err(e) = visitor.visit(&kr, &header, &keys, &values) {
if let Err(e) = visitor.visit(path, &kr, &header, &keys, &values) {
let e = BTreeError::Path(path.clone(), Box::new(e.clone()));
self.set_fail(b.loc, e.clone());
return Err(e);
@ -647,20 +643,25 @@ impl BTreeWalker {
fn walk_node<NV, V>(&self, visitor: &NV, kr: &KeyRange, b: &Block, is_root: bool) -> Result<()>
fn walk_node<NV, V>(
path: &mut Vec<u64>,
visitor: &NV,
kr: &KeyRange,
b: &Block,
is_root: bool,
) -> Result<()>
NV: NodeVisitor<V>,
V: Unpack,
let r = self.walk_node_(visitor, kr, b, is_root);
let r = match r {
Err(e) => Err(BTreeError::Path(b.loc, Box::new(e))),
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
let r = self.walk_node_(path, visitor, kr, b, is_root);
pub fn walk<NV, V>(&self, visitor: &NV, root: u64) -> Result<()>
pub fn walk<NV, V>(&self, path: &mut Vec<u64>, visitor: &NV, root: u64) -> Result<()>
NV: NodeVisitor<V>,
V: Unpack,
@ -672,12 +673,12 @@ impl BTreeWalker {
} else {
let root = self.engine.read(root).map_err(|_| io_err())?;
let root = self.engine.read(root).map_err(|_| io_err(path))?;
let kr = KeyRange {
start: None,
end: None,
self.walk_node(visitor, &kr, &root, true)
self.walk_node(path, visitor, &kr, &root, true)
@ -798,6 +799,7 @@ where
pub fn walk_threaded<NV, V>(
path: &mut Vec<u64>,
w: Arc<BTreeWalker>,
pool: &ThreadPool,
visitor: Arc<NV>,
@ -807,7 +809,7 @@ where
NV: NodeVisitor<V> + Send + Sync + 'static,
V: Unpack,
w.walk(visitor.as_ref(), root)
w.walk(path, visitor.as_ref(), root)
@ -826,7 +828,7 @@ impl<V> ValueCollector<V> {
// FIXME: should we be using Copy rather than clone? (Yes)
impl<V: Unpack + Copy> NodeVisitor<V> for ValueCollector<V> {
fn visit(&self, _kr: &KeyRange, _h: &NodeHeader, keys: &[u64], values: &[V]) -> Result<()> {
fn visit(&self, _path: &Vec<u64>, _kr: &KeyRange, _h: &NodeHeader, keys: &[u64], values: &[V]) -> Result<()> {
let mut vals = self.values.lock().unwrap();
for n in 0..keys.len() {
vals.insert(keys[n], values[n].clone());
@ -837,17 +839,20 @@ impl<V: Unpack + Copy> NodeVisitor<V> for ValueCollector<V> {
pub fn btree_to_map<V: Unpack + Copy>(
path: &mut Vec<u64>,
engine: Arc<dyn IoEngine + Send + Sync>,
ignore_non_fatal: bool,
root: u64,
) -> Result<BTreeMap<u64, V>> {
let walker = BTreeWalker::new(engine, ignore_non_fatal);
let visitor = ValueCollector::<V>::new();
walker.walk(&visitor, root)?;
let mut path = Vec::new();
walker.walk(&mut path, &visitor, root)?;
pub fn btree_to_map_with_sm<V: Unpack + Copy>(
path: &mut Vec<u64>,
engine: Arc<dyn IoEngine + Send + Sync>,
sm: Arc<Mutex<dyn SpaceMap + Send + Sync>>,
ignore_non_fatal: bool,
@ -856,13 +861,12 @@ pub fn btree_to_map_with_sm<V: Unpack + Copy>(
let walker = BTreeWalker::new_with_sm(engine, sm, ignore_non_fatal)?;
let visitor = ValueCollector::<V>::new();
walker.walk(&visitor, root)?;
walker.walk(path, &visitor, root)?;
struct ValuePathCollector<V> {
values: Mutex<BTreeMap<u64, (Vec<u64>, V)>>
@ -875,9 +879,29 @@ impl<V> ValuePathCollector<V> {
impl<V: Unpack + Clone> NodeVisitor<V> for ValueCollector<V> {
impl<V: Unpack + Clone> NodeVisitor<V> for ValuePathCollector<V> {
fn visit(&self, path: &Vec<u64>, _kr: &KeyRange, _h: &NodeHeader, keys: &[u64], values: &[V]) -> Result<()> {
let mut vals = self.values.lock().unwrap();
for n in 0..keys.len() {
vals.insert(keys[n], (path.clone(), values[n].clone()));
pub fn btree_to_map_with_path<V: Unpack + Copy>(
path: &mut Vec<u64>,
engine: Arc<dyn IoEngine + Send + Sync>,
sm: Arc<Mutex<dyn SpaceMap + Send + Sync>>,
ignore_non_fatal: bool,
root: u64,
) -> Result<BTreeMap<u64, (Vec<u64>, V)>> {
let walker = BTreeWalker::new_with_sm(engine, sm, ignore_non_fatal)?;
let visitor = ValuePathCollector::<V>::new();
walker.walk(path, &visitor, root)?;
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ struct BottomLevelVisitor {
impl NodeVisitor<BlockTime> for BottomLevelVisitor {
fn visit(&self, _kr: &KeyRange, _h: &NodeHeader, _k: &[u64], values: &[BlockTime]) -> btree::Result<()> {
fn visit(&self, _path: &Vec<u64>, _kr: &KeyRange, _h: &NodeHeader, _k: &[u64], values: &[BlockTime]) -> btree::Result<()> {
// FIXME: do other checks
if values.len() == 0 {
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ impl<'a> OverflowChecker<'a> {
impl<'a> NodeVisitor<u32> for OverflowChecker<'a> {
fn visit(&self, _kr: &KeyRange, _h: &NodeHeader, keys: &[u64], values: &[u32]) -> btree::Result<()> {
fn visit(&self, _path: &Vec<u64>, _kr: &KeyRange, _h: &NodeHeader, keys: &[u64], values: &[u32]) -> btree::Result<()> {
for n in 0..keys.len() {
let k = keys[n];
let v = values[n];
@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ struct BitmapLeak {
// This checks the space map and returns any leak blocks for auto-repair to process.
fn check_space_map(
path: &mut Vec<u64>,
ctx: &Context,
kind: &str,
entries: Vec<IndexEntry>,
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ fn check_space_map(
} else {
w = BTreeWalker::new_with_sm(engine.clone(), metadata_sm.unwrap().clone(), false)?;
w.walk(&v, root.ref_count_root)?;
w.walk(path, &v, root.ref_count_root)?;
let mut blocks = Vec::with_capacity(entries.len());
@ -347,7 +348,7 @@ fn check_mapping_bottom_level(
ctx: &Context,
metadata_sm: &Arc<Mutex<dyn SpaceMap + Send + Sync>>,
data_sm: &Arc<Mutex<dyn SpaceMap + Send + Sync>>,
roots: &BTreeMap<u64, u64>,
roots: &BTreeMap<u64, (Vec<u64>, u64)>,
) -> Result<()> {
ctx.report.set_sub_title("mapping tree");
@ -359,26 +360,28 @@ fn check_mapping_bottom_level(
if roots.len() > 64000 {
ctx.report.info("spreading load across devices");
for (_thin_id, root) in roots {
for (_thin_id, (path, root)) in roots {
let data_sm = data_sm.clone();
let root = *root;
let v = BottomLevelVisitor { data_sm };
let w = w.clone();
let mut path = path.clone();
ctx.pool.execute(move || {
// FIXME: propogate errors + share fails.
let _r = w.walk(&v, root);
let _r = w.walk(&mut path, &v, root);
} else {
ctx.report.info("spreading load within device");
for (_thin_id, root) in roots {
for (_thin_id, (path, root)) in roots {
let w = w.clone();
let data_sm = data_sm.clone();
let root = *root;
let v = Arc::new(BottomLevelVisitor { data_sm });
let mut path = path.clone();
// FIXME: propogate errors + share fails.
walk_threaded(w, &ctx.pool, v, root)?
walk_threaded(&mut path, w, &ctx.pool, v, root)?
@ -433,17 +436,20 @@ pub fn check(opts: ThinCheckOptions) -> Result<()> {
// superblock
let sb = read_superblock(engine.as_ref(), SUPERBLOCK_LOCATION)?;
let metadata_root = unpack::<SMRoot>(&sb.metadata_sm_root[0..])?;
let mut path = Vec::new();
// Device details. We read this once to get the number of thin devices, and hence the
// maximum metadata ref count. Then create metadata space map, and reread to increment
// the ref counts for that metadata.
let devs = btree_to_map::<DeviceDetail>(engine.clone(), false, sb.details_root)?;
let devs = btree_to_map::<DeviceDetail>(&mut path, engine.clone(), false, sb.details_root)?;
let nr_devs = devs.len();
let metadata_sm = core_sm(engine.get_nr_blocks(), nr_devs as u32);
report.set_sub_title("device details tree");
let _devs = btree_to_map_with_sm::<DeviceDetail>(
&mut path,
@ -459,7 +465,7 @@ pub fn check(opts: ThinCheckOptions) -> Result<()> {
// mapping top level
report.set_sub_title("mapping tree");
let roots =
btree_to_map_with_sm::<u64>(engine.clone(), metadata_sm.clone(), false, sb.mapping_root)?;
btree_to_map_with_path::<u64>(&mut path, engine.clone(), metadata_sm.clone(), false, sb.mapping_root)?;
// mapping bottom level
let root = unpack::<SMRoot>(&sb.data_sm_root[0..])?;
@ -472,6 +478,7 @@ pub fn check(opts: ThinCheckOptions) -> Result<()> {
let root = unpack::<SMRoot>(&sb.data_sm_root[0..])?;
let entries = btree_to_map_with_sm::<IndexEntry>(
&mut path,
@ -481,6 +488,7 @@ pub fn check(opts: ThinCheckOptions) -> Result<()> {
inc_entries(&metadata_sm, &entries[0..])?;
let data_leaks = check_space_map(
&mut path,
@ -507,6 +515,7 @@ pub fn check(opts: ThinCheckOptions) -> Result<()> {
// We call this for the side effect of incrementing the ref counts
// for the metadata that holds the tree.
let _counts = btree_to_map_with_sm::<u32>(
&mut path,
@ -515,7 +524,7 @@ pub fn check(opts: ThinCheckOptions) -> Result<()> {
// Now the counts should be correct and we can check it.
let metadata_leaks =
check_space_map(&ctx, "metadata", entries, None, metadata_sm.clone(), root)?;
check_space_map(&mut path, &ctx, "metadata", entries, None, metadata_sm.clone(), root)?;
bail_out(&ctx, "metadata space map")?;
if opts.auto_repair {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user