This was previously done by the systemd service. But since we allowed
changing the name of bat0 and bridge0, we can't expect systemd to still
do that job. Commented out some lines in the systemd service and made it
send SIGINT instead of the default SIGTERM to kill naxalnet. I
accidentally used to increment a2, a3, a4, ... in the __version__
instead of dev1, dev2, &c. a few commits back. Removed some print()
lines lurking somewhere in the code. The cleanup is still not completed.
We still have to delete the interfaces bridge0 and bat0, or whatever
name the user gives it. Just out of boredom, I added some description to
some network configuration, though so I doubt if anyone will understand
it more because of that.
Added arg and config option to manually set gw_mode.
When gateway_mode is auto, a temporary config will be added, and after a
ten sec delay, naxalnet will check if systemd-networkd shows a
'routable' connection. If the connection is routable, gw_mode will be
set to server; or client otherwise.
We now use NetworkD() to configure systemd-networkd.
Path.glob doesn't return things in alphabetical order, which is needed
to configure networkd without any error. Need a fix for that.
Too much configs and args make debugging harder. The class networkd will
be used to add config files to the networkd runtime dir after formatting
the file with str.format().
* make will now build every time naxalnet/ is changed.
* Changed content related to online classes in It seems online
classes are a luxury even in urban areas in some parts of India.
* Added argument -V as alias for --verbose
I don't use IPFS anymore. If anyone if willing to maintain a copy of
this repo on ipfs, send me an email.
Small change in CHANGELOG, and edited comments in systemd service.
And added a docstring to so the editor won't complain of
missing docstring anymore.
There was a problem with indentation which made the line starting adhoc
not being run at all.
Moved some things to other places is back! It isn't needed, but it doesn't do any harm anyway.
naxalnet is now a daemon! When run from systemd, it checks for new
devices or removal of devices and reloads the wifi configuration.
Updated the systemd service and changed Type to notify. Unfortunately,
there is some problem with logging. The messages from naxalnet.iwd could
not be found in the systemd journal or while running without --systemd.
- Renamed here_be_dragons() to main().
- Added (doesn't do anything yet).
- Added GPL disclaimer to all python files and removed the shebang #!
from all files.
- args is now defined outside any function in
- Changed arguments of some functions in
- New dependency -- python-systemd for logging to journal
- Changed service file to start after networkd
- New submodule which contains "logger" for use by all other submodules
- Removed bus argument from Device and Adapter classes
The config file is now installed as /etc/naxalnet/naxalnet.conf.example
by default.
make uninstall now does not ask for confirmation. Added rule purge in
Updated the README.
Changed order of stop commands in service file.
Updated setup.cfg and docstrings.
Changed order of services to stop in section Stopping the service. This
is because while stopping naxalnet, the ExecStopPost line says to delete
two interfaces. But just before it is run, networkd is stopped. Running
the command will again start networkd, which is not what we need.
Buffering makes the systemd journal not show the logs at the right time.
And changed the systemd service file so that the new batman and bridge
interfaces are deleted when naxalnet.service is stopped. Also simplified
the Stopping section in the README because of this change.
* Improved docstrings, README
* Added argument --version and its implementation
* Added "uninstall" rule to Makefile and added it in the README
* Cleaned up code
I've probably forgot something so we can't merge to master yet.
And we still have to add installation instructions for ubuntu and fedora